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How to make Chicken Breast Apple Dessert? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 30 min, Apple Milk Dessert, apple dessert recipes, cream apple dessert, practical apple desserts, milk dessert recipe, milk desserts, chicken breast dessert, summer desserts, Pakmaya Iftar Menus 2018

Chicken Breast Apple Dessert

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Portion: Personality
Preparation: 10 min
Cooking: 20 min
1 5 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

The perfect flavor of apple, cinnamon and walnut milk desserts are among the most loved ones. chicken breast When combined with it, it turns into a practical and delicious dessert that suits the summer tables.

Apple goes well with milk desserts, but there is a point you need to pay attention to when choosing so that the apple you will bake does not melt during cooking. This is to buy green, hard and sour apples instead of apples called red sandy apples. Red apples are very susceptible to dispersal while cooking, but green apples crumble very little and keep their form.

30 min

Those who want can cook it by using water like compote instead of cream, but the flavor of the cream is complementary.


Ingredients for Chicken Breast Apple Dessert Recipe

  • 3 apples
  • 1 tea glass of granulated sugar
  • 1 quart of cream (200 ml)
  • 2 clove
  • 1 cardamom (optional)

For the above:

  • 1 package of Pakmaya Chicken Breast Dessert
  • 2,5 water glass milk

For the above:

  • Walnut
  • Cinnamon


  1. Peel the skins of the apples, remove the cores and put them in the pot.
  2. Add cream, sugar, cloves and cardamom to the apples and cook on low heat until the apples soften.
  3. Arrange the cooked apples side by side in a medium-sized debt, and drizzle some of the cream you cooked the apples on.
  4. Cook the chicken breast dessert as written on the back of the package and pour it evenly over the desserts you have lined up in my debit.
  5. Chill the dessert, which has come to room temperature, in the refrigerator. Serve the cooled dessert by sprinkling cinnamon on it.

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