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Chicken Ankara Pan

Release Date: 07-04-2022
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Hello dear friends,

I feel a little sad because I did not have the opportunity to make as many menus this year as in previous years, but I have prepared so many in the past years that I think they will be useful to you this year.

Ankara Pan with Chicken, one of the most delicious and practical recipes I've been waiting for the month of Ramadan to share, is enough for an iftar table by itself. It is enough to host guests with a compote or tzatziki, maybe even a practical salad.

Ankara pan

Frankly, I am very happy when I get such delicious results with less ingredients. I even cooked it once for us and once for my sister this Ramadan :)

Watch the Video:

Make sure to write this delicious recipe in a corner of your mind, which you can try with different ingredients.

Yours ..

Ingredients for Chicken Ankara Pan Recipe

  • 5 x Banvit Chicken Drumsticks
  • 2 cup of barley noodles
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 cloves of garlic
  • 1 capsicum peppers
  • 2 piece of charliston pepper
  • 1 cup tomato sauce
  • 4 cups of chicken stock
  • 1 spoonful butter
  • 2 tablespoon of olive oil
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Parsley for serving


  1. Boil the chicken drumsticks in 7 glasses of water and set aside.
  2. Chop the onion for cooking, the peppers to the size of backgammon, finely chop the garlic.
  3. Take the butter and olive oil in the pan, add the onion on it and fry it. Add the barley vermicelli and fry for 3-4 minutes. Add the peppers and continue frying.
  4. Arrange the boiled chicken on top of the noodles. Add tomato sauce and water, add salt and pepper, then cook on low heat until the noodles are soft.
  5. Serve with chopped parsley, if desired.

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