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How to make Cheese Noodles and Black Grape Hosaf? There are also 5 comments to give you an idea. Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk walnut noodles, melt recipe, compote recipe, Cheese Noodles, black grape compote, grape compote, Drinks

Noodles with Cheese and Black Grape Compote

Release Date: 26-09-2009
4 5 5 1

After shooting with Expert TV, I went to IKEA and did some shopping. When I stopped by the section where those small defective goods or display products were sold, I saw that the cups I wanted for a long time were waiting for me there.

When I say noodles, the flowing water stops, even if I make 1 pot for me, I can't help but add all kinds of flavors to the dish, even ovens, I eat it until I finish it.

walnut noodles
Noodles with Cheese and Walnuts

I have written the recipe for black grape compote, which I always enjoy drinking with noodles as well as for you. Love…

Black Grape Compote
Black Grape Compote

Ingredients for Cheese Noodles and Black Grape Compote

1 cup of chopped walnuts
¾ package of village noodles
3 tablespoon of olive oil
1 cup of white cheese

Preparation of :

Boil the water in the pot and add the olive oil and salt before throwing the noodles. Throw the noodles in boiling water and boil for 6-7 minutes. Drain the cooked noodles and put them on a serving plate. Serve with chopped parsley, walnuts and feta cheese.

Black Grape Compote

Ingredients for Cheese Noodles and Black Grape Compote

1 kg grapes black grapes
2 cups sugar
2 liters of water
1 cinnamon stick
3 dried cloves


Sort the grapes and wash them in 2 waters. Put the water, sugar, cinnamon and fruits together in a large saucepan and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
Cook your compote on medium heat for 15-20 minutes and remove from the stove. When it comes to room temperature, filter it and strain the water by crushing the grains in a strainer. Serve cold.

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"Noodles with Cheese and Black Grape Compote5 comments for ”

  • On December 22, 2011 at 18:00

    Thank you, thanks to you, I started to eat good things and then wrapping leaves made me very sad, stay healthy

  • on August 11, 2011 at 16:18

    You have been very helpful in the sahur, you are giving very good recipes. :)

  • Oct. 04, 2009 at 00:52 PM

    I wonder if raisins or fresh grapes are used?

  • Sept. 27, 2009 at 02:40 pm

    My dear, how appetizing are his hands
    what a health big kiss...


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"Noodles with Cheese and Black Grape Compote5 comments for ”

  • On December 22, 2011 at 18:00

    Thank you, thanks to you, I started to eat good things and then wrapping leaves made me very sad, stay healthy

  • on August 11, 2011 at 16:18

    You have been very helpful in the sahur, you are giving very good recipes. :)

  • Oct. 04, 2009 at 00:52 PM

    I wonder if raisins or fresh grapes are used?

  • Sept. 27, 2009 at 02:40 pm

    My dear, how appetizing are his hands
    what a health big kiss...


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