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Cheddar and Bagel Omelet

Release Date: 08-05-2017
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Hello Dear Friends,

Our tiring two-day trip was finally over and we returned home late at night. Changing countries and trying to visit as many places as possible, even for 2 days, is really tiring. Luckily we came back with good memories and they're worth it.

10 min

Our omelet with cheddar and bagel is perfect for evaluating bagels left in the fridge at the weekend :) Moreover, it is a delicious method for those who want a quick but delicious breakfast. You can cook it on the stove by turning it back and forth with a non-flammable non-stick pan, but if you are using a pan like mine, you don't need to take that action. Because the pan can go into the oven :)

Cook a little gold on the stove, then cook it in the oven where you open the grill immediately, until the cheddar melts and lightly browns.

I used olive oil, but you can also use butter according to your taste. Some sausage can be added to this recipe, but let's say you are going to make sahursa instead of breakfast, then I think there is no need.

This recipe is enough for 1 person, but if you are going to make it for 2 people, you should prepare the material dimensions as x2.


Ingredients for Cheddar and Bagel Omelet Recipe

  • half of 1 bagel
  • 2 pieces of eggs
  • 1 long green peppers
  • 1 teaspoon grated cheddar cheese
  • Olive oil or butter
  • Salt
  • black pepper


  1. Drizzle a generous amount of olive oil into the pan. Slice the bagel thinly and place it in the pan.
  2. Grate the cheddar cheese with the fine side of the grater and set aside. Thinly slice the pepper.
  3. Beat the egg in a bowl by adding salt and pepper, add pepper and cheddar cheese and mix again.
  4. Flip the bagels and fry them in the pan. Pour the egg mixture over the fried bagels.
  5. Take it to the grill of the preheated oven when it is six and serve it by cooking until the cheddar is completely melted.

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