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How to make Cheese Herb Pastry? Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk Pastry, spinach, easy pastry, herb pastry, chard, cheese, pastries

Pastry with Cheese and Herbs

Release Date: 02-06-2008
4 5 5 1

Hello, I haven't been able to write for a few days because I was quite sick (even we were sick as a family). I'm slowly getting better now, but my stomach problem continues. Let alone cooking and even food is growing in my eyes. My extreme lack of appetite continues, but I do not want to leave you indescribable. For this reason, I continue to write without hesitation :) When you try my herbed cheese pastry, I am sure you will like it very much. You can make this pastry only in chard or if there are herbs that I don't know but you can use, you can add them to it. When I think about it, let me write why I use white cheese instead of curd. The taste of curd cheese is not to my taste. I always use (low or semi-fat) white cheese in spring rolls (full fat) and in this type of cheese pastry. I recommend those who make curd to try it with white cheese.



1-2 medium onions
4 sheets of dough
3 eggs
1 glass of yogurt
2 tea glass of olive oil
at least half a bunch of chard and spinach
white cheese of choice
Salt, black pepper, optional red pepper


Take the desired amount of chard and spinach, wash and rinse and chop. Crush as much cheese as you can use or mash with a fork. Make the onion edible and fry it in a large deep pan with olive oil.
Add the chopped herbs and fry lightly in how much oil. Add salt and the spices you want to add, mix it 1-2 more times and leave it to cool by closing the lid. Whisk eggs, yogurt and olive oil in a bowl.
Spread your first phyllo on the tray of the size you want (if you choose a small pan, divide the phyllo into 2). Spread the mortar you have prepared on it and spread a new sheet of dough on it.
Do the same process until the dough and mortar are finished, and cover the dough on the pastry and put it in the oven preheated to 200 degrees. You can apply egg yolk and olive oil on it or you can pour the remaining yoghurt paste on it. (But I don't like eggs on the pastry, so I didn't apply it)

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