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Cheese and Cilantro Snacks

Release Date: 14-03-2011
4 5 5 1

Housework occupies us all. The worst part is that no matter how much you procrastinate, you have to do it.

On such days, I try to finish the work of the whole house in one day and prevent it from hanging on to other days, so I don't have much time to cook.

Today, I took a break from the intensive cleaning job that I started with a simple breakfast, with my stomach scraping from hunger. Since I didn't have time to do anything for a long time, I searched the cabinet for something I could prepare in 5 minutes.

spicy cheeses

Cheese snacks can actually be called tapas. You can prepare it quickly with 1 or several kinds of cheese and spices.

Coriander seeds may not be suitable for every palate, so you can use a small amount of powdered coriander.

I don't give you measurements for you to adjust the spice measurements according to your own taste, but if you want, you can use 1 tablespoon of coriander seeds and 1 teaspoon of other spices.
May it be easy for all of us. love..

Ingredients for Cheese and Cilantro Snacks Recipe

  • 3 mini ciabatta breads (or slices of bread)
  • 100 g fat and medium hard white cheese
  • Coriander seed
  • powder curry
  • Red pepper
  • Nane
  • Dill
  • Olive oil


  1. Divide your bread into two parts and fry for 2-3 minutes in a pan without oil.
  2. Chop the feta cheese into small cubes.
  3. Add the spices and olive oil and mix the cheeses without crushing them.
  4. Take the fried breads on a serving plate, serve with cheese mortar on top.

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"Cheese and Cilantro Snacks2 comments for ”

  • March 14, 2011 at 18:47

    they look very appetizing, and I love coriander seeds, well done.


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"Cheese and Cilantro Snacks2 comments for ”

  • March 14, 2011 at 18:47

    they look very appetizing, and I love coriander seeds, well done.


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