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How to make Carrot Bonbon? There is also 1 comment to give you an idea. Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 20 MIN, 5 tea, bon bon, carrot, carrot biscuit bonbon recipe, carrot biscuit ball, practical carrot desserts, carrot ball, cocoa bonbon, practical treats, Practical Recipes
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Number of People: 12 10 min Prep, 10 min Cooking
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Carrot Bonbon

Hello Dear Friends,

I made this recipe for the first time in 2008. Hey go hey! Of course, back then, we didn't have good cameras like now, or we didn't have the time to get a job and prepare something decent. There is a cycle that continues in the form of put on the plate and check. As a matter of fact, I didn't do anything different now, but at least it looks more spacious to the eye.

20 DK

While I was making some retrospective updates, when this recipe and its photo caught my eye, I had petibor waiting for a long time and a little wilted carrot in my hand, I said let's prepare this again :)

It was out of the way while tidying the kitchen :) So it's that simple! While preparing, make sure that the carrots absorb the juice, add the ingredients while they are warm. Break off, roll and find quickly. Then it will be much easier for the material to stick on top of it. Request Carrot Bonbon's tricks :)




  • 4 cups grated carrot (300 g)
  • 1 cup of granulated sugar
  • 1 tea glass of water
  • 22 – 24 petibor biscuits (cocoa petibor)
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon orange zest


How to Make Carrot Bonbon Recipe?

  1. Grate the carrots, put them in a saucepan with the sugar and water. Cook on low heat until it takes the water.
  2. Leave the juiced carrots to cool. Knead by adding the biscuits, cinnamon and orange zest you took in the rondo.
  3. Break off walnut-sized pieces and roll them into balls in your hand.
  4. Serve the filet with pistachios or coconut.

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"Carrot BonbonOne comment on

  • On April 06, 2009 at 19:50 PM

    very nice and easy recipe thank you


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"Carrot BonbonOne comment on

  • On April 06, 2009 at 19:50 PM

    very nice and easy recipe thank you


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