Canned Fresh Beans
Hello Dear Friends,
The new step in my winter preparations was canned green beans. This recipe is as practical as canned cherries.
canned cherry In my recipe, I talked about home canning techniques for a long time. Fruit preserves are also very similar to vegetable preserves. While researching, I noticed that housewives prepare canned green beans in several different ways. The first of these is as I will give my recipe. In another method that caught my attention, tomatoes and beans are roasted together for a short time, then water is added and cooked for 5-10 minutes.
The method I use seems much safer for long-term storage. Of course, if those who prepared it in other methods share their ideas, we can learn more :)
We talked about the importance of jar selection while canning. The most important feature of the jar is actually the lid. The jar type that gives the best results in canned food is mason jars. There are many types, but the types of caps that show the internal pressure clearly, as in the photo, are safer. In this way, you can be even more sure that your can is holding.
When I spoke to the seller at the market this week, the sister said now is the time for the beans. It's not good canned after it rains. When I said that the best thing would be Ayşe woman and string beans, I bought a kilo each to try both beans and kidney beans. I haven't tried the kidney beans yet, but the result was pretty good with beans.
Ingredients for Canned Fresh Beans Recipe
- 1 kilo of green beans
- 1 large tomatoes
- Su
- 1 pinch of salt
- 1 1 kg or 2 500 gr jars (I used 2 500 g)
- Wash and sort the beans. Divide the long ones into two parts.
- Boil the beans for 1 minutes in boiling water to which you have added 5 pinch of salt.
- Place 1 slice of tomato at the bottom of the jars that you wash or boil with hot water.
- Take the boiled beans with the help of a colander and divide them into the jar (Remember, there will be 2-3 cm space at the mouth of the jar)
- Put 1 more slice of tomato on the beans and divide the boiling water into the jars. Remove the air between the beans by gently stirring with a knife.
- Dry the mouth of the jar and close it tightly.
- Boil for about 4 minutes in a saucepan filled with enough water to cover the jars by 5-40 cm.
- Let the jars cool in boiling water. Turn the jars upside down, which comes to room temperature, and leave for 1-2 hours.
- If the lids are as in the photo, your can is ready.
It's been this way for years, but we've been throwing in a little more tablespoon of salt. As you said, it can be stored in a cool place out of the sun for months without spoiling.
I want to canned pumpkin while it is autumn, is it possible with the same method? But I'll bake it in the oven. Also, how can I get those mason jar lids?
It is not right for food safety to make canned vegetables such as canned fresh beans at home. These products are likely to cause a disease called botulism due to their pH values and soil origin. Botulism is caused by the toxins produced by a human pathogenic bacterium called C. botuilinum, and it may not be inactivated by boiling in the open atmosphere, that is, in a pot, and it may not provide fully controlled conditions even in a pressure cooker under pressure. My advice to you is to remove canned vegetables from your site. However, fruit preserves can be prepared at home as they are acidic products.
Best wishes for work
Ozlem Halil
Food Engineer – Fruit and Vegetable Products Specialist
Thanks for your warning and explanation. Let your comment remain under this article as a warning. Yours sincerely
My mother used to put the jars in the dishwasher instead of boiling, and that's how I'll do it. I haven't prepared it as canned before, it will be the first :)
Could you give some information about canned peas and side dishes?
It is also said that it is not suitable for health to keep spinach and potatoes after they are cooked. Can you share your information on this subject?
Thank you…
I also made purslane just like spinach dish and made its canned food, I tried it, it's nice.
There were a lot of vegetables from our garden in Çatalca at home, I was thinking what to do. I've tried canning beans before, but it went bad (I couldn't). I will try your recipe once again. There is also eggplant and pepper at home, can I make all of them in canned food? Can you help me ? Thanks for sharing, good luck to you and your hard work.
Nikay Inn
I'm going on vacation tonight and there was 1kg of green beans at home, I was going to leave it to its fate. It would come across so beautifully! I've already prepared canned food, it's boiling :)
Good luck to you..
He says the preparations have not started yet..
Great explanation, great photos..
Yours ..