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Cagla Salad

Release Date: 16-05-2008
4 5 5 1

I have loved the bitter sour taste of waterfall since my childhood, but it was during my university years that I met the salad. At that time, branches full of age would enter from the balcony of the house I lived in.

What can I say, we used to eat it like a seed by plucking it from the branch with the girls. It was May, I think, a school friend of mine from Antalya came to visit and he made this salad for the first time.

15 min

That day, whenever the age comes out, I make the salad once. Now I feel like I'm enjoying the years that are far away.


Ingredients for Cagla Salad Recipe

  • 500 gr. unripe almond
  • 2 glasses of yoghurt
  • 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 2 large cloves of garlic
  • Red pepper
  • salt


  1. Wash the callos and separate them from the stems, if you have them, shred them well in a rondo (otherwise you can beat them with a pestle).
  2. Crush the garlic by adding a little salt to it and mix it into the yogurt.
  3. Take the smashed cassava on a serving plate and mix well by adding garlic yoghurt.
  4. Smooth the top of the salad with the help of a spoon. Heat olive oil in a coffee pot or a small pan and fry by adding red pepper.
  5. Drizzle the hot oil on the salad and serve.


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