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How is breakfast made? There are also 4 comments to give you an idea. Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk tea, breakfast, bagel, autumn, sleep, rain, From me personally


Release Date: 18-11-2008
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When I opened my eyes to go to work this morning, I was faced with an incredible sense of hunger. In fact, I could smell the warm bagel and freshly brewed tea. But where is mine is just sleep drunk, I rubbed my eyes with a nice drowsiness (as if on the weekend).

What do I see when I look out the window, it's raining and it's freezing outside, so all I can think of is to go back to my warm bed and hug my orphaned duvet and fall into a warm sleep.

crushed olives

But there is one thing I forgot, that today is not Saturday, but a weekday or even Tuesday (oh, can you do this to me), the situation of looking at a late hour and the uneasiness of being late for work (off has started again the fuss). Run, Nilay, you'll be late, come on, get dressed now, and you'll be eating 2 donuts on the way at the company. You just look at the photos you will publish in this article and sigh.


Here is another working day that starts with illusions, actually I like rainy weather the most, my soul calms down and clears with rain, but this morning there is a feeling of restlessness and malaise inside me. What can I say, I hope Istanbul will make me love its vicious autumn again, and I hope all the bad moods will come to an end.

Let's see for now, good days for you, pleasant breakfasts...

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"Breakfast4 comments for ”

  • On November 20, 2008 at 12:20 PM

    May Allah write the best of your special on your forehead emi NİLAY :)

  • On November 18, 2008 at 21:13 PM

    Take it easy… and hope to have the breakfast you dream of as soon as possible…

  • On November 18, 2008 at 19:21 PM

    Hello! It is very difficult for me to get up in the morning on weekdays, especially if the weather is cold, but if I remember these beautiful photos tomorrow morning, I can leave my quilt more easily.


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"Breakfast4 comments for ”

  • On November 20, 2008 at 12:20 PM

    May Allah write the best of your special on your forehead emi NİLAY :)

  • On November 18, 2008 at 21:13 PM

    Take it easy… and hope to have the breakfast you dream of as soon as possible…

  • On November 18, 2008 at 19:21 PM

    Hello! It is very difficult for me to get up in the morning on weekdays, especially if the weather is cold, but if I remember these beautiful photos tomorrow morning, I can leave my quilt more easily.


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