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How to make Breakfast Dough Bowls? Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 15 minutes, different presentations, breakfast presentations, breakfast phyllo, stylish breakfast presentations, edible bowl, bowls made of phyllo dough, salad bowl made of phyllo dough, recipes with phyllo dough, For Breakfast

Breakfast Dough Bowls

Release Date: 07-06-2014
4 5 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

Even on vacation, I updated my blog, but I missed it, so I've been sharing the recipe for 3 days in a row :) Actually, according to my own rules, I wasn't going to publish it because today is a holiday, but when the bowls I prepared for breakfast were so popular, I didn't want to go without writing the recipe.

15 min

This morning, I prepared a practical water pastry in a muffin tray for breakfast, and when there was enough space in the 1 leftover yufka muffin tray, I wanted to prepare something practical from phyllo.

For the recipe, I used the egg milk sauce left over from the pastry, but you can also prepare it with just butter.


When you bring your salads to the breakfast table with these bowls, you can be sure that the people at home will be very surprised. Even those who want can eat their salads with bowls :)

If you are going to prepare a large group, it is useful to have 1-2 phyllo dough in reserve, there may be some that fall apart when leaving the bowl.

Happy weekends…


Ingredients for Breakfast Dough Bowls Recipe

  • 1 fresh phyllo
  • 1 egg yolk + 1 tea glass of milk
  • 1 tablespoon butter (melted)

For inside:

  • Cucumber
  • Cherry tomato
  • sweet green pepper


  1. Apply butter to the eyes of the muffin tray with the help of a brush. Start heating the oven to 190 degrees.
  2. Divide the dough into pieces large enough to overflow the muffin tray. (12 pieces were ideal for me)
  3. Spread the beaten egg and milk mixture on the side of the first phyllo that faces you and place it on the baking tray.
  4. 2. Apply the same process to the phyllo and press it onto the first phyllo.
  5. Bake in the preheated oven until golden brown.
  6. Separate the yufka bowls from the tray while they are warm, put the salads you have cut into them and serve.

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