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Brain Choker

Release Date: 15-10-2010
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An appetizer that I tried and made for the first time during my internship on Anatolian folk cuisine. Kasım master had shown himself how the brain and neck were separated and how to prepare an appetizer. The worst part is that even I, who is not good with meat and meat products, had to pick the brain and neck meat :)

anatolian cuisine
Brain neck is an old rum appetizer, and those who eat it say it's a very delicious appetizer. In fact, when the appetizer is ready to be served, it looks like the same roast. If you like this kind of meat appetizers, I recommend you to try it. The reason why this recipe took a long time was that she didn't like the photo because of the light, but when I talked to my friends at the invitation given by the table magazine yesterday, I thought that I was unfair to you by not sharing the recipes that I didn't like, and I decided to publish it. love..

Ingredients for Brain Neck Recipe

1 lamb neck
1 lamb brain
Black pepper


1- Boil neck and lamb meat in separate pots until tender.
2- Finely chop the neck you boiled. After removing the membranes of the brain meat, tear it like a neck.
3- Add salt and pepper to the meat you cut and mix.
4- Spread a 30-40 cm long stretch film on the kitchen counter, spread the neck of the brain across the width of the stretch film on the front facing you, and wrap the stretch film neatly and roll it.
5- Take the appetizer you have prepared in the freezer section of the refrigerator, wait for 1 night, then slice as much as you will use. Take it out of the fridge 15 minutes before serving and serve cold.

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"Brain ChokerOne comment on

  • Oct. 17, 2010 at 00:39 PM

    You just did it wrong. The photo is very beautiful, but like you, I am too open with meat. By the way, I chose one of the templates you sent and I've done it today. Let's see how it looks now, I'm waiting for the criticism :) thank you very much for speeding up this work that I left on hold for a long time.


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"Brain ChokerOne comment on

  • Oct. 17, 2010 at 00:39 PM

    You just did it wrong. The photo is very beautiful, but like you, I am too open with meat. By the way, I chose one of the templates you sent and I've done it today. Let's see how it looks now, I'm waiting for the criticism :) thank you very much for speeding up this work that I left on hold for a long time.


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