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Boiling (Breast Milk Enhancing Tea)

Release Date: 24-02-2019
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Hello Dear Friends,

When you have a baby, you try everything so that you can make milk. We boiled neither compotes, nor dried figs, nor dried mulberries. We ate leaf lettuce, tufts of dill, and popped popcorn on top of it :)

Everyone said something, and we wondered and asked those who did not :) The result is always plenty of water + homemade liquid as much as possible and I pray that my milk will increase. Based on the advice I received from a relative who gave birth before me. boiling We decided to do it.

boiling spices

A kind of herbal tea made for boiling puerperium. It is also a winter tea, people drink to avoid getting sick or to get well when they are sick. There are various recipes available on the internet and in every household. In the classic recipe for puerperant women, there is definitely postpartum candy. There are also those who sweeten it with molasses instead of sugar.

Sir, I wrote something from 1-2 sources and sent my wife to the transfer. Transfer “Hop! Wait a second, I'm from Mersin, this job is asked of us" and he made his own mix and sent it :)

In order to share it with you, we extracted them one by one and photographed them as above. This is how you recognize your foreigners.

I've been drinking for the last 2 days and I think it worked for me. I hope there will be healing for the sick and plenty of milk for the mothers.

I am sure that you have learned from your elders or through your own research. breast milk enhancer There are recipes, tips and methods. I would love to learn. Please share your experiences with me in the comments section. I would also like it to be a useful resource for new mothers who will read the comments.

with me when you try my recipe Don't forget to share on instagram :)

I would love to share my recipes with your photos in my story :) My Instagram account: @kitchensirlari 


Ingredients for Boiling (Breast Milk Enhancer Tea) Recipe

  • 35 g cinnamon sticks
  • 10 g Cloves
  • 35 gr Galangal
  • 35 g Turmeric
  • 35 g Ginger
  • 350 gr Postpartum Sugar
  • 20 g of Allspice
  • 1 nutmeg
  • 4 liters of water


  1. Mix all the spices in a deep and wide
    put it in the pot.
  2. You don't need to make bundles etc.
    Since we use spices, there is no cloudiness.
  3. puerperal candy (for postpartum women)
    If you are using it) and cook on low heat for about 1 hour.
  4. Almost half a liter evaporated
    Let the sherbet cool and strain it.
  5. Hot or room, as desired
    Serve at temperature with hazelnut crumbs.

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