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Black Radish with Honey

Release Date: 11-11-2022
4 5 5 1

Recently, the most recommended natural cough syrup was honey in black radish.
Its construction is also quite simple, we cut the top of the black radish to be a cover. We carve the inside with a pumpkin cutter and make 1-2 very small cuts. We wait for him to sit in a glass overnight and strain the honey radish juice.
In the morning, on an empty stomach, the adults consumed 1 tablespoon and the younger ones consumed 1 dessert spoon.

At the moment, I have seen the greatest benefit from cold-pressed carob extract. He loves to eat 1-2 teaspoons on an empty stomach in the morning, and that bursting cough went away and turned into a mild cough from time to time.
I also peeled this radish as an alternative, finely chopped it and put it in a jar. I added honey to it, let's see how it goes.

how to make black radish with honey

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Ingredients for Honey Black Radish Recipe

  • 1 large black radish
  • 2-3 tablespoons of honey


  1. Wash the black radish, cut off the top and remove the cap.
  2. Play with the pumpkin carving inside, make 1-2 small holes from the bottom.
  3. Place the carved radish in a glass, put honey in it and let it rest in a cold place for 1 night.
  4. Consume the water in the glass on an empty stomach in the form of 1 spoon for adults and 1 dessert spoon for children. (Do not use honey before the age of one. First, follow your doctor's advice.)

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