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Beetroot – Haydari with Beetroot

Release Date: 31-05-2022
4 5 5 1

Haydarin's cousin Beetroot 😄💕

When the beets at home stayed in the bag and started to soften, I made an emergency action plan 🤣 I boiled it immediately and evaluated some of it with the materials at hand. Remaining boiled in the fridge. Actually, I have a pickled beetroot recipe that I love so much, I thought I'd make it, but we'll consume it quickly with a different salad etc.

15 min

Our materials are classic haydari materialsYou can increase it as you wish.

Beetroot berry touch My lady's idea of ​​the river 😄💕🪬

Don't forget to share my recipe, save and leave a lot of ❤️💕

My Haydari recipe You can find it here.


Beetroot – Ingredients for Beet Haydari Recipe

  • 2 small beets (boiled, peeled)
  • 2 heaped tablespoons of strained yogurt
  • 1 large cloves of garlic
  • 1 small piece of white cheese
  • Salt
  • Dill


  1. Put the beet in the chopper, top it with yoghurt, a piece of cheese and garlic and turn it on.
  2. When it reaches the desired consistency, add salt and chopped dill.
  3. Serve with olive oil.

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