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Basmati Rice Rice

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( 3 oy 4,33/5)
Portion: Max - 4 People
Preparation: 10 min
Cooking: 20 min
3 4.33 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

Basmati rice is a type of rice that is not roasted, but left to boiling oily water, that is, using the release method, or even directly boiled in different regions, then oiled and left to infuse. Different types of rice absorb water at different rates. Basmati rice also has a type called pre-boiled that I use. It is written in some packages (parboiled). I came across a brand called Gökbayrak in the market I went to. When I tried and liked it, I checked their site to give you more information about rice. Information about this type of Basmati rice is as follows.

30 min

Basmati – Indian and Pakistani rice; It grows in the plain of Penjab. It is perhaps unique in the world in terms of grain size, shape and also cooking quality. Its grains are long and thin; After cooking, it does not stick together, remains grainy and soft.

Parboiled Basmati RiceIt is a special product obtained by turning rice into white rice after being parboiled in paddy state.
Parboiling (Parboiled) The process means that the paddy is partially boiled before it is milled into rice. This process is done to reduce the grain breakage during the milling of the rice. In addition, this process contributes to the increase of the nutritional value of the rice and the improvement of the consistency of the rice by enabling the nutrients in the outer shell of the rice to pass into the rice.


Ingredients for Basmati Rice Rice Recipe

  • 2 cup basmati rice
  • 2 spoonful butter
  • 2 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 3 cup of hot water
  • Salt


  1. Sort the rice, leave it in hot and salted water for 15 minutes, wash it in 2-3 waters and drain.
  2. Mix and melt the butter and olive oil in the pan, add the hot water and salt.
  3. Add the rice, mix and close the lid of the pot.
  4. Cook on medium heat until the top of the pilaf is eye to eye.
  5. When the water is drawn, close the bottom and let it rest for 10 minutes with the lid closed. Mix before serving and transfer to plates.

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