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Basil Crete Pie Recipe

Release Date: 26-08-2023
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Today I just wanted to prepare something to cheer up. Just so that I can enjoy myself a little bit. While saying that, my mind went back to #giritezme 😄 I ate this recipe for the first time in Ayvalık 10 years ago and prepared it for my blog as soon as I returned. The first version had feta cheese and curd. I also used filet almonds and walnuts from the nuts.

the most delicious appetizers

This time, when I had a nice Izmir overall, he got involved. I like this appetizer a little rough. So it shouldn't be like cream. You can create different flavors by mixing the cheeses you want. 

Are you one of those people who run to the kitchen when we are very bored? 


  • 150 g full fat cheese
  • 50 gr Izmir Tulum Cheese
  • 2 tablespoons of powdered pistachios
  • 2 tablespoons of crushed hazelnuts
  • 2-3 leaves of basil
  • 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 2 cloves of garlic


  1. Put the Tulum cheese, a little olive oil, garlic and basil in a chopper and chop them into small pieces.
  2. Add the full-fat cheese and powdered pistachios and pull again.
  3. Add the cracked hazelnuts and a little more olive oil and mix them by crushing them with a fork.
  4. If you want it to be a little softer, add a little more olive oil and mix.
  5. Take it on a serving plate, serve with toasted bread, if desired.

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