How to Clean Fish? how to do Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk Weeding fish, big fish, small fish, Sea products

How to Clean Fish?

Release Date: 06-12-2007
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My dear wife will tell us how to clean fish today :) Napim I can't touch my hand!

little fish

Scaleless and Small Fish:

For example Horse mackerel:

There is no need for a knife when cleaning scaleless and small fish.

How to Clean Fish? 2nd

You can clean the fish by holding the fish in your left palm and tearing off the head of the fish with the index and thumb of your right hand, and then inserting your thumb into its stomach and slicing it open.

How to Clean Fish? 3nd

Then you need to wash it thoroughly with plenty of water. You can leave the fish with bones or fillet it depending on the food you are cooking or your own desire.

How to Clean Fish? 4nd

For this procedure, it is necessary to carry the finger that you have slit through the abdomen to the tail without removing it, and then gently move the bone back and forth to remove it with soft movements. Because these fish are small, there is usually no need to separate the fillets from each other. You can use fillets open or closed. Exceptions to this and how to use the fillet are specified in the recipes. Although sardines are fish with scales, they are also sorted by the same method. But before weeding, you can scrape off the scales with your fingers. There is no need to use a knife for this process, because the scales are large and soft, they are separated by finger contact.

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