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Broad Bean Artichoke

Release Date: 27-03-2010
4 5 5 1

I didn't feel like leaving the house today. Quince jamI went into the kitchen to do what I wanted, while the jam was boiling, I said, let's cook the broad beans tonight.

The first recipe I made with organic beans was artichoke with beans. To tell the truth, the broad bean artichoke stuffed artichokesI like it more :)

fresh broad beans artichokes
Broad Bean Artichoke

After I took the inside of the fresh broad beans, I started to think about what I could do with the remaining skins. After some research, a decent broad bean soup came out, so of course, its recipe is for tomorrow :)

Broad Bean Artichoke
Broad Bean Artichoke

An ideal recipe for those who want to try something different on Sunday is artichoke with beans. Love…

Ingredients for the Broad Bean Artichoke Recipe

  • 4 cleaned or canned artichokes
  • 1 cup of fresh broad beans
  • ½ cup finely chopped fresh broad beans
  • 1 medium white onion
  • 2 pinch of dill
  • Half tea glass of olive oil
  • Salt
  • 1 pinch of sugar


  1. Chop the onion. Put the olive oil in a large saucepan, add the onion, and fry it on medium heat until it turns light pink.
  2. When the onions turn pink, add the whole broad beans. Add salt and sugar and fry for 2 minutes.
  3. Place the artichokes on the roasted broad beans and add enough water to cover them.
  4. Cook on low heat until the broad beans and artichokes are soft. Squeeze half a lemon on it before taking it off the stove.
  5. Leave the pot to cool with the lid closed.
  6. Serve cold or warm.
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