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Baby Asparagus Pasta with Artichoke Sauce

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Portion: Max - 4 People
Preparation: 15 min
Cooking: 10 min
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I have a delicious recipe that will cheer your eyes and palate while you feel the arrival of spring in your bones😍 It has become a legendary pasta with the artichokes and young asparagus that I bought fresh from the Gökova market. The fresh peas I used while preparing the artichoke sauce added an extra taste.

30 min

It's a recipe that pasta lovers should definitely try :)


Filiz Pasta Collaboration

Ingredients for Pasta with Artichoke Sauce and Baby Asparagus

  • Half Pack of Sprout Pencil Pasta
  • 2 liters of water
  • Salt

For the Artichoke Sauce:

  • 2 fresh bowls of artichokes
  • Half of 1 medium onion
  • 1 cloves of garlic
  • Half a cup of boiled peas
  • Lemon juice
  • Salt

For service:

  • Half a bunch of asparagus
  • Half a cup of boiled peas
  • Dill
  • lemon zest


1. Fry the chopped onion in olive oil until it turns slightly transparent.
2. Add the artichoke cut into 4 parts and the inner peas. Add lemon juice and water and cook until the artichokes are soft.
3. Put the young asparagus on top of the pot with the help of a strainer, close the lid and let it steam.
4. Set the cooked asparagus aside, sift the artichokes in a blender, add a little water if necessary to ensure that it gets a creamy consistency.
5. Boil the sprout pen pasta and drain it. Mix it with the artichoke sauce and transfer it to the serving plate.
6. Serve with baby asparagus, peas, dill and lemon zest.

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