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Pear Celery Salad

Portion: Personality Preparation: 10 min Cooking: dk
It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
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Hello dear friends,

Today we are preparing a pear version of apple celery, which is one of my favorite yogurt salads. I always used sour green apples for apple celery, one of the first recipes on my blog, but this time I tried it with a sweet camel pear. The result is absolutely perfect 😍

celery salad with yogurt

If you act fast, there is no need for lemon juice, etc. so that the celery does not darken. Don't make the salad sour for nothing 😄 

Share my recipes you prepared with me on Instagram and Don't forget to follow my instagram page :)


Ingredients for Pear Celery Salad Recipe

  • Half of 1 large celery
  • 1 half of a camel pear
  • 4-5 tablespoons of yogurt (can be strained)
  • 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tea spoon salt

How to Make Pear Celery Salad Recipe?

  1. Peel and grate the celery and pear.
  2. Grate the celery in a deep bowl, add salt and knead by crushing.
  3. Add the pear zest and garlic to the celery and mix.
  4. Add the yoghurt and mayonnaise, mix, transfer to the serving plate.
  5. If desired, fry the walnuts in olive oil with a little red pepper, pour over the celery salad and serve.

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Nilay Overalls

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