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Almond Crocan Recipe

Release Date: 23-05-2017
4 5 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

It's late again today, I don't go to the computer. As a matter of fact, I'm leaving early tomorrow morning. All you need to do is pack up the Ramadan recipes and prepare a suitcase :) Almond croquant is actually one of the recipes that should be on the blog but I couldn't find the opportunity to write.

10 min

Such a simple, delicious flavor that suits almost any dessert recipe. In fact, the kind that you can just crack next to tea or coffee when you want to. It's simple to be simple, but it also requires some attention.

For example, you should definitely not leave your head, as in the same caramel recipe. If the sugar, which melts in a maximum of 5-6 minutes in total, is not controlled, it burns instantly and the kitchen is covered with smoke.

You can easily make this recipe with nuts such as hazelnuts, peanuts and sesame. Some recipes add glucose or honey, but there is no need. Our basic ingredients are granulated sugar, butter and very little water.

Since it freezes quickly, immediately after turning off the stove, add the nuts and mix them and have your tray and greaseproof paper ready. If you waste time, it will be difficult to spread it on the tray.

You can use it in your cakes, in your cakes and especially in your parfaits.


Ingredients for Almond Crocan Recipe

  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 tablespoons of water
  • 1 teaspoon of butter
  • 1 cup raw almonds


  1. Take 1 cup of granulated sugar in a sauce pan. Stir the saucepan over low heat, shaking it from time to time (do not insert a spoon to avoid lumps) until the sugar begins to melt on the sides.
  2. When the sugar stays in the middle as in the photo, add 1 tablespoon of water next to the pot from the side and shake the pot again so that the sugar dissolves.
  3. Add the room temperature butter to the melted sugar and shake the pan carefully to mix.
  4. When the butter is mixed, turn off the stove, immediately add the almonds and mix with the help of a spatula.
  5. Without wasting time, pour the croquette you prepared on the tray on which you have greased paper and spread it with the help of a spatula.
  6. After resting for half an hour, cut into pieces of the size you want with the help of a knife and serve.

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