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You are Invited to a Session with a Taste of Brownie! how to do There are also 7 comments to give you an idea. Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk back up, culinary secrets, marketing summit, social chef, From me personally

You are Invited to a Session with a Taste of Brownie!

Release Date: 07-12-2011
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You are Invited to Meet the Back-Up World on Social Media!

Offering solutions that make life easier, Back-Up draws attention with its effective and successful applications in social media. Back-Up will explain its strategy and methods that ensure its success in social media to the audience at the Marketing Summit.

back up

Drawing attention to the importance of social media in the age of interaction, Back-Up will make an interesting presentation together with the new media agency Utopic Farm at the Marketing Summit.

It will start at 8:15.00 on Thursday, December XNUMXth.Social Media Communication For The Customer With The Customer', Back-Up General Manager Sitare Sezgin, Back-Up Advertising and Public Relations Officer Seçil Temel and the brand's social media agency Utopic Farm Interactive Communications Director Yiğit Kalafatoğlu will be accompanied by Nilay Tulum, Social Chief of the Kitchen Secrets blog, with a surprise application.

We hope to see you among us in our colorful session, where you will get to know the Back-Up World closely and get tips on the communication strategy of an effective brand in social media.

08 December 2011 15:00 Topkapı Hall B – Lütfi Kırdar Convention and Exhibition Center

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"You are Invited to a Session with a Taste of Brownie!7 comments for ”

  • On December 08, 2011 at 00:02

    I barely finished my back up a membership..I was kept on the phone for a full hour to renew it...oh my god, what an's a very useless investment that doesn't work at all.I wanted to inform you..believe me it doesn't work at all..the sanctions it guarantees are much more discounted It is already available as and in a situation where you can get service when necessary…with my love…..

    • On December 08, 2011 at 01:50

      Participation in our session is free of charge, Mrs. Sureyya.

  • On December 07, 2011 at 17:23

    Niaycı, I would love to come, but I'm at work at that hour, I will continue to follow you from here my dear... :)

  • On December 07, 2011 at 16:43

    I will definitely join Nilaycim brownie taste; best regards.

  • On December 07, 2011 at 14:01

    My God, how are you, how are you growing up, let me say thank you for all the work so that I don't get hurt

    • On December 07, 2011 at 15:53

      Thanks dear, I'm trying to participate as much as I can :)


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"You are Invited to a Session with a Taste of Brownie!7 comments for ”

  • On December 08, 2011 at 00:02

    I barely finished my back up a membership..I was kept on the phone for a full hour to renew it...oh my god, what an's a very useless investment that doesn't work at all.I wanted to inform you..believe me it doesn't work at all..the sanctions it guarantees are much more discounted It is already available as and in a situation where you can get service when necessary…with my love…..

    • On December 08, 2011 at 01:50

      Participation in our session is free of charge, Mrs. Sureyya.

  • On December 07, 2011 at 17:23

    Niaycı, I would love to come, but I'm at work at that hour, I will continue to follow you from here my dear... :)

  • On December 07, 2011 at 16:43

    I will definitely join Nilaycim brownie taste; best regards.

  • On December 07, 2011 at 14:01

    My God, how are you, how are you growing up, let me say thank you for all the work so that I don't get hurt

    • On December 07, 2011 at 15:53

      Thanks dear, I'm trying to participate as much as I can :)


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