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How to make Wooden Painting Tea Box and Relax? There are also 3 comments to give you an idea. Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk wood painting, coaster, tea box, evaluation of household materials, tea box, Decoration Secrets

Wooden Painting Tea Box and Relax

Release Date: 09-01-2012
4 5 5 1

Unlike other Mondays, this Monday started with calmness, not rush for me. I took a rest because of my stubbornly aching wrist. Actually, I am aware that I should not move even to write this article, but it seems that inactivity is incredibly boring for a body accustomed to active work...

When we stopped by Migros yesterday to buy small items for home, I saw wooden tea boxes sold for 3 liras at one of the stands. I wanted to buy something like this for a long time, but I gave up because I thought it was unnecessary. In the end, I decided to buy it because it was small and cheap.

wood painting

As soon as I arrived, I filled my tea box and put it in the kitchen, of course, he couldn't stay in the kitchen! Because when I see something that has no paint on it, I immediately start thinking about how to paint it.

Of course, while doing this, I put on a MacGyver air, so you don't ask.

When I looked at what I could do for painting, I found 6-7 wood paints from 1-2 months ago and a dried up brush. Since it can't do anything with a dried brush, I looked for other alternatives and finally decided to use paper towels.

After painting the tea box with a towel, I set it aside to dry. When I saw the cork coasters that I bought from Office1 Superstore before, I said ok.

I cut the cork coasters with scissors and cut them according to the tea box, and then glued them to the dried tea box.

I cut an unpatterned piece with one of these patterned paper scissors and wrote "Shaking Tea" on it.

The result was a unique tea can and a brain that was relaxed because it was busy with another job.

I recommend you to do some getaways like this once in a while.


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"Wooden Painting Tea Box and Relax3 comments for ”

  • On January 11, 2012 at 18:49 am

    You're amazing, Ms. Nilay, it's a very cute box. But more importantly, relax your brain. Well done to your hands..

  • On January 10, 2012 at 18:17 am

    it's very nice. good health to your hands.

    Our task will be to run and get one of those boxes to Migros :)

  • On January 09, 2012 at 22:23 am

    It's very nice both for you and for your kitchen, Nilaycı.
    Health to your hands.
    Yours ..


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"Wooden Painting Tea Box and Relax3 comments for ”

  • On January 11, 2012 at 18:49 am

    You're amazing, Ms. Nilay, it's a very cute box. But more importantly, relax your brain. Well done to your hands..

  • On January 10, 2012 at 18:17 am

    it's very nice. good health to your hands.

    Our task will be to run and get one of those boxes to Migros :)

  • On January 09, 2012 at 22:23 am

    It's very nice both for you and for your kitchen, Nilaycı.
    Health to your hands.
    Yours ..


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