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0-1 years old What should we pay attention to in nutrition?

Release Date: 19-08-2019
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What Foods Can Be Risky to My Baby?

The diversity underlying a healthy and balanced diet is of great importance in infant nutrition. A wide variety of nutrition requires a process in transition to complementary foods. The baby's digestive system, kidneys, liver will respond better to food as time passes. While the body is gradually acquainted with new foods, there are foods that we should avoid in the diet of our little ones.

6 month old baby nutrition

0-1 years old What should we pay attention to in nutrition?
– Strawberry, cocoa, chocolate, eggplant and mushroom are foods with high risk of allergens,
- Honey; Against the risk of poisoning called botulism, the consequences of which can be very serious,
- Cow milk; against allergic reaction and iron deficiency
– Delicatessen products, due to their nitrite-nitrate content,
– Despite the risk of nuts escaping into the windpipe, shellfish and cheese made with unpasteurized milk can also protect our little ones.
should not be given, as it may endanger them.

What should mothers who do not have breast milk do in this process, in our next article.

Posted by Beste Alimert Altınörs

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