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Turkish Delight Cookies

Release Date: 22-05-2009
4 5 5 1

I thought of trying Turkish delight cookies many times before, but I couldn't find the opportunity. Bless your hands, Ms. Berna.

Turkish Delight Cookies

Ingredients for Turkish Delight Cookies Recipe

15 Turkish delight (each delight will be divided into 4 parts)
1 eggs
1 packet of margarine
1 teaspoons of oil
2,5 cups of starch
1 package baking powder
1 teaspoon of coconut
10 tablespoons of powdered sugar
As much flour as you get


First, the egg is broken into a deep bowl, put in margarine at room temperature, kneaded well, oil is added on it and mixed a little. Powdered sugar, coconut and starch are added into it, mixing is continued, then baking powder and flour are added as much as it takes, a soft dough is obtained, walnut-sized pieces are broken off, a piece of Turkish delight is placed in it, and it is placed on a greased tray and baked in a 200° oven for 15-20 minutes.

Posted by Berna Tosun

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"Turkish Delight CookiesOne comment on

  • On January 05, 2019 at 16:02 am

    Hello, I was able to find a glass of starch at home while applying this recipe. When I supplemented it with flour as much as it took, the cookies spread. I think 2,5 glasses of starch is not too much. I wonder if there is an error in size?


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"Turkish Delight CookiesOne comment on

  • On January 05, 2019 at 16:02 am

    Hello, I was able to find a glass of starch at home while applying this recipe. When I supplemented it with flour as much as it took, the cookies spread. I think 2,5 glasses of starch is not too much. I wonder if there is an error in size?


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