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How to make Truffle Surprise Muffin? There are also 5 comments to give you an idea. Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 40 min, cupcake, Well-fluffed Muffins, Muffins, tips for making muffins, surprise muffins, truffles, truffle muffins, food photographer, food stylist, Cakes-Muffins

Truffle Surprise Muffin

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 16 oy 4,25/5)
Portion: Personality
Preparation: 15 min
Cooking: 25 min
16 4.25 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

Although it is a little difficult to get back to the busy work schedule after the holiday, I guess I'm getting used to it. I can say that I was surprised what to do when the joyful developments in the family were added to the activity in my business life. My only problem is that I can't edit the holiday photos I promised you yet.

40 min

Now, let me start my article with good news, I started my first professional job in food stylist and food photography, it was really proud for me.

My column in the Colorful Red Magazine continues at full speed, the 2011 July issue is on the air and I recommend you not to miss it :)

Truffle Surprise Muffins from my first column in the magazine, coconut truffles definitely a must try.

for truffles your leftover cakes or you can use your biscuits that are about to go stale.

Let's go over again what are the secrets of well-fluffed Muffins,

  • All your ingredients must be fresh and at room temperature.
  • Eggs and sugar should be beaten at high speed until they become like snow.
  • Baking powder must be used and added to the dough last.
  • The oven where the muffins will be baked should be preheated and the first 15 minutes after the muffins are placed in the oven. The oven door should never be opened.


Truff Ingredients:

  • 100 gr. Labneh Cheese (half a pack)
  • 4 muffins or 4 tea glasses of crumbled cake slices (with chocolate, plain or with fruit pieces)
  • 2 teaspoon of powdered sugar
  • 40 g (1 tea glass) coconut

To cover:

  • 1 small bowl of cocoa or powdered chocolate sauce mix (optionally hazelnut, filet pistachio, filet almond)


  1. Take the crumbled cakes into a deep bowl.
  2. Add powdered sugar, coconut and labneh cheese on the cakes and knead.
  3. Cover the kneaded mixture with cling film and let it rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  4. Take walnut-sized pieces from the dough you have rested and roll them in your hand.
  5. Serve with a mixture of cocoa or powdered chocolate sauce that you spread on a large plate.

Muffin Ingredients:

  • 3 pieces of eggs
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • Half a glass of oil
  • 2,5-3 cups flour
  • 1 water glass milk
  • 5 teaspoon of cocoa
  • 1 packet of baking powder
  • 1 packet of vanillin with sugar

For the whipped cream:

  • 1 pack of whipped cream
  • 1 glass of cold milk


  1. Put the sugar and eggs in a whisk, beat with a mixer at low speed and then at high speed until the sugar dissolves completely (until it swells).
  2. Add milk and oil to the beaten eggs and mix for another 1-2 minutes.
  3. Add the flour, cocoa, baking powder and vanilla, continue mixing until you get a smooth dough.
  4. Divide the cake mix into paper cake molds with 1 tablespoon each. Put 1 truffle in each mold and fill it with cake batter until 1 finger gap remains.
  5. Bake in a preheated 180 degree oven for about 25 minutes.
  6. Take the baked muffins out of the oven and let them cool.
  7. When it comes to room temperature, garnish with 1 packet of whipped cream whipped with 1 glass of milk.
  8. Serve with 1 truffle on each muffin.

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"Truffle Surprise Muffin5 comments for ”

  • Oct. 12, 2011 at 00:05 PM

    Greetings I need to make 30 on the food day in my son's class :)))))

    But first, two questions are how many pieces come out of this measure, and are the paper molds enough during baking…

  • Sept. 24, 2011 at 19:16 pm

    Awesome, very cute, I liked it very much. Health to your hands. Good luck with your new adventures :) Best regards from the Coffee Shop…

  • on July 10, 2011 at 17:34

    Can't we make this truffle with cream and chocolate instead of labneh?

    • on July 10, 2011 at 18:05

      Of course it is, but I say add it slowly while kneading to keep the consistency easy.


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"Truffle Surprise Muffin5 comments for ”

  • Oct. 12, 2011 at 00:05 PM

    Greetings I need to make 30 on the food day in my son's class :)))))

    But first, two questions are how many pieces come out of this measure, and are the paper molds enough during baking…

  • Sept. 24, 2011 at 19:16 pm

    Awesome, very cute, I liked it very much. Health to your hands. Good luck with your new adventures :) Best regards from the Coffee Shop…

  • on July 10, 2011 at 17:34

    Can't we make this truffle with cream and chocolate instead of labneh?

    • on July 10, 2011 at 18:05

      Of course it is, but I say add it slowly while kneading to keep the consistency easy.


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