Tips for Making Pickles
Hello Dear Friends,
It's actually an article that I've been thinking about for a long time, waiting to be collected. “Tips for Making Pickles” So much so that for the last week, I've been writing little notes saying, "Let's write now, but include this, too."
First of all, what is pickle? Let's look at your question.
Pickle A type of food that is most commonly prepared by soaking in brine with the addition of salt, vinegar or lemon juice. It is also one of the ancient ways of preserving foodstuffs for a long time. Pickles are not just limited to vegetables, they can also be prepared with delicious fruits such as plums, pears or medlar.
What are the basic materials used in making the pickle?
There are some indispensable ingredients when making pickles, the first and most important of which is salt.
pickle saltNot fine like regular table salt. Coarse brine salt is used when making pickles. You can easily obtain this salt in 1 kilo packages from markets and markets.
Brine – Pickle salt It should look like the photo below.
Our other important ingredient is vinegar, vinegar, as you know, the better quality ingredients you use while making your food, the better. The higher quality your vinegar, which is also valid in pickles, the better it will be. Although different types of vinegar are used, the most common is grape vinegar, which I also use. In some of the books I read, it was said that if you are going to use a cheap vinegar, you can boil it a little on the stove and make it sharper. I haven't tried it, but you can buy a vinegar that is affordable according to your budget, boil it for a bit and then use it to make pickles.
Our other important material is water, as you know, tap water is not preferred for pickle making. Instead, you can use the water you use as drinking water at home. If you are going to use tap water, you can boil it and cool it, or you can melt it by adding vinegar and salt, which are other brine materials, while it is still hot. That's what I usually do.
Pickle juice measurements and how I prepared it I shared it in my post here.
How to choose the material for pickles?
Materials such as cucumber, tomato, cabbage, carrot, pepper, acur, kelek that we set up must definitely be hard. Pickles made from bruised, softened and bruised materials will soften quickly and deteriorate quickly. Let's say some of the cucumbers or tomatoes have bruises and bruises and you don't want to throw them away. Then you should clean those parts with the help of a knife.
Which containers should be used when making pickles? How many pickles can be made with how many jars?
First of all, glass jars should be preferred to set up pickles. As I see it, my mind stays with pickles in plastic bottles, but glass jars are the healthiest.
Another important issue is the size of the jars in which the pickles will be placed. For you to understand this better, let me give you an example of the basic size, a 1-pound glass jar.
1 kg, ie 1 liter jars come complete with 500 gr pickle material and 500 ml brine. This measure can be multiplied as 2 kg of pickling material and 1 liter of brine in a 1 kg jar.
In other words, the weight of the jar you will use will take half as much pickle material and half as much pickle juice.
What are the ingredients that flavor pickles and accelerate fermentation?
When making pickles, you can add ingredients such as garlic, parsley, dill, celery stalk, coriander seeds, mustard seeds, bay leaves. The chickpeas you add to it will also speed up the fermentation. There are those who add raisins, but I have never tried it.
How long does it take for pickles to mature?
This takes between 15 and 30 days, depending on the pickle material (whole? grated? Pickled?) and how much you dry it. subject to pickled beetroot There are exceptions as well. Pickles made with pre-boiled beets are ready to be eaten within 2 days.
Or finely chopped pickles made from cabbage and carrots It is ready to be consumed in a maximum of 1 week and 10 days.
Installed with all used materials pickled tomatoes ve pickled cucumbers Pickles like pickles need to be pierced with a knife or toothpick in order for them to mature faster and for the brine to process.
As a result, pickles can taste and condition 1 week after setting up. You can keep track of it by checking it from time to time.
What should I do so that the pickle does not spoil quickly?
In order for the pickle to last a long time, sterilize the jars in which you will put your pickle beforehand. For this, you can keep your jars in boiling water for a few minutes, then keep them in the oven at 180 degrees for a few minutes to let the jars dry.
My advice is to set up this marinade in liter jars. This pickle, which does not need a large jar because it is not in large pieces, consumes it quickly after opening it, and then you can switch to a new jar.
In addition, it will be easier to store the opened jar in the refrigerator.
The pickle juice is cloudy or there is a white layer on the pickle, what can I do?
Pickle juice is especially suitable for curd and cucumber. Even when I make different pickles at the same time, I realize that these two are blurred. It is not a big problem if it is cloudy, but if you want, strain the pickle juice into a container, wait for a while, and after the sediment settles to the bottom, pour the water back into the jar, being careful not to get the sediment. To make up for the missing water, you should prepare some brine and add it to the jar.
A thin white layer can be seen on what remains in the jar after the pickles are opened or eaten. If there is no change in its smell, it can be consumed after this layer is cleaned and passed through pickle water.
That's all I'll write for now, I'll add more as I think of them :)
Years ago, in 2008 (in the first years of our marriage), those who are wondering about the confusion of the first pickle we made with my wife can read my article below :) The result was good, but we could not finish it even though we distributed it to friends :) In the end, we decided not to make that many pickles again :)
2008… .
“The ancients used to make delicious pickles and add them to their meals all winter. I think we, as the next generation, are more accustomed to comfort. But the taste of the things that people make by working hard is different and more delicious... Since we have always defended this idea, we were not lazy, we went to the market with my husband, we gathered everything that could be made with pickles :)
Everything is already pickled, the green ones of the tomatoes that have not been fried. The ones that are collected before maturation of the acurs, the whitest of the cabbage…. Mixed pickle is what it's called. We have to put everything in it, what you call pickle must be crunchy. Let it soften slightly, let it soften and let it loose, its life is over for me. That's why it should be long-lasting, pickle should survive a winter, and be resistant to dark winters.
Of course, we have no experience in this matter, in the house where no pickles were made before. Every ingredient for pickle was included, but it did not come to mind to come together and establish a collective pickle union. With the excitement of the first experience, the researches started in a hurry.
We have a lot of data. But we don't know which one fits our pickle :) Hearing recipes, information collected from the internet, tricks, commas…. We said that this is not how it works, pickles are an old invention, then we hugged the phone with the logic that only the ancients know this secret, and we called as many family members as grandparents, grandparents, haminne.
Our calls for help reached Samsun. At this time, we had a lot of recipes that have been proven to be correct, and whose cultural culpability has been proven by experience. They were very correct in these, it was difficult to choose from such a correct recipe. We thought that we could get the best result by creating the voltran, and by combining the parts that made the most sense to us, we took the essentials of the recipes as a basis.
Finally we had the most untested and most accurate recipe of all time. We rolled up our sleeves…
The rule of our pickle has been exactly 1 week and 1 day today, no matter how much we research, I didn't want to write it right away because I had some question marks in my mind. We tasted it yesterday and it started to taste, I think it will be enough to be eaten crunchy in 1 week.
My understanding of this situation is as follows;
1) The pickle penny of each valiant is different.
2) If you go into too much detail, you won't be able to get away with it.
3) Making pickles is an art. Not everyone can do that.
4) When you say I'm going to make pickles, your pickle comes out.
Anyway, I'm giving you my own mixed pickle recipe.
Ingredients for Pickles Recipe
- 2 5 liter jars
- 2 kilos of currants
- 1 kilo of carrots
- 1 kilo of green tomatoes
- 1 small cabbage
- 4 head of garlic
- pickled salt
- 2 cup of vinegar
- Dill on demand
- 2-3 handfuls of ornamental peppers
1 raw egg for testing
- Add 5 glass of salt and 1 glasses of vinegar to one of the 2-liter jars, fill the jar with enough water on the salt and mix until the salt dissolves completely. ( 1 egg is thrown into it, if it does not sink, the salt is ok)
- Acurs are chopped in length and width as desired, carrots are peeled and sliced, tomatoes are pierced or quartered with the help of toothpicks, cabbages are chopped into large pieces. The garlic is peeled and a pinch is separated from the dill.
- It is placed in the form of tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, acur, ornamental peppers and dill, respectively. Garlic is sprinkled between each vegetable.
- Water is filled so that there is no space on it and the lid of the jar is tightly closed.
- The same process is done for the second jar, and if the remaining water is less, salt, vinegar and water are mixed in another bowl and added to it.
Ne güzel anlatmışsın yıllar önce çok detaylı bir tarif olmuş. böyle ince elenmiş sık domunmuş tarifler bulmak artık çok zor. kocim diye benden bahsetmişsin birde. yıllar sonra okumak güzeldi. paylaşımların daim olun aşpıjı.
Hello everyone. I tried pickled plums twice. I used a glass jar, brine salt, boiling drinking water, vinegar and citric acid. My lids were also new and I had boiled them. However, my two attempts were unsuccessful. My pickles are alcoholic. I really can't if I try. why did this happen? What could I be doing wrong, I wonder if anyone else has had the same experience.
They put the kind of wood we know in the pickles in the Aegean region, they put it in the mouth of the bottle with the full diameter of the circle, it prevents the material from coming to the top and gives a nice flavor.
Good luck to your hands, Ms. Nilay. I tried the recipe but I still don't feel comfortable. I dissolved 2 glasses of vinegar with 1 glass of Salt and 5 liters of water. I lined up the vegetables and filled the water. Enough for both bottles already. Did I do wrong? Would there be 5 glasses of vinegar per 2 liter bottle??
Hello, if you have tasted it, it is okay if the taste is good, but the vinegar is a little less. In the front article, I shared the link of a method that you can calculate more practically. I don't think it will be a problem, but we'll have to wait and see. You can try the recipe in this link for later use. Here the measurements are per liter. Yours
InshaAllah it will be nice :)
I don't dare make pickles.
Ms. Nilay, I'm going to make pickles for the first time, can I use this recipe without hesitation?
The material you use for softening
It may also depend on the quality of the salt or the salt. If you store it well, it will not soften in the short term.
SLM, what I want to learn is that sometimes cucumbers and acurs are empty in mixed pickles, what is the reason, what should I do, is there a trick, can you please answer?
If seeds are formed in overripe cucumbers, this is the biggest cause of internal discharge. High temperature and excess salt are other factors.
SLM, what I want to learn is that sometimes cucumbers and acurs are empty in mixed pickles, what is the reason, what should I do, is there a trick, can you please answer?
aaaaaaaaaaaaayyy :)))))))))) “the most untested and most accurate recipe of all time” I love it :)))))))))
My mother always boils the water she puts in the pickle, cools it and puts it like that. He soaks the vegetables in vinegar water and washes them so that the microbe is broken. Also, she pours boiling water on the cabbage, leaves it for 1 night and puts it in the pickle. and add 5 tea glass of grape molasses to the pickle juice in a 1 liter jar. it will be very tasty
It is important to cut the contact of the pickle with the air. It should be full to the brim and the lid should not leak. I remember my mother used to put a cling film on the pain before closing it.
I also set up my pickle as a cabbage-carrot addict.
I like pickles with vinegar, lemon salt makes my stomach upset.
I'm looking forward to it, even if we eat it, even if we eat it :)))
I want to make the marinade with lemon salt, not vinegar. I ASK THE MASTERS OK. I want to use it in salt and lemon salt brine. It will be my first try.
of course it will
It certainly does, but I recommend avoiding high levels of citric acid.
While pickling in Kazakhstan, vegetables are thrown into boiling salted water for a minute. Jars and their lids must be passed through boiling water. They close the jars with metal rubber caps and a special capping tool. Without closing the lid, all the air particles in it are allowed to come out. Dill flowers, grains of black pepper, black berry and bay leaves are added to give taste and smell. They don't add any vinegar, but lemon salt. The pickle made from a squash (like a flying saucer) called Patison is incredibly delicious. Also, the Chinese cabbage pickle made by the Chinese is super.
great recipe thanks…
I've never even seen pickles. My late mother used to do it. It would be very nice. When I see pickles, I think of my mother's pickles, or rather my mother's. While I was making these sentences, thousands of knots formed in my throat. I speak very little. I always, always throw it in. That's why no one knows about my weakness. I wanted to share with you. your visit and short words are like likbul.. thank you very much for the recipe..
stay well
I was very pleased with your recipes. When your recipes were appreciated, I prepared the pickles for 3 of my friends, and I already have the immigrant tarhana taif, it's super, how can I send it to you, thank you, God bless you
kissable and talented housewives everywhere add ingenuity to their ingenuity
hmm.. you don't know how valuable even the smallest information you provide to us is in these lands where we stay away from Turkish food.. I'll try it too.. I love pickled cabbage and beans..thanks to Ms. Nilay, greetings from Indonesia...
Dear Amanbey, thank you very much… I am really happy. We hope we can be more helpful to you. Pickled beans are my favorite too :)
Ms. Yeliz, thank you, I did a lot of research before trying and I succeeded.
I made pickled cucumbers with the same method, 2 and still not spoiled.
Take it easy now.
Ms. nilay, today I just wanted to make pickled cabbage and carrots. Your recipe was the most convincing to me in my research. I will try it right away. Thank you very much for your recipe. Greetings.
very good thing
ah thank you very much nilay lady, it is very nice of you to even think about it….
My dear, I hope you have a healthy baby, like a ball of light. I can send you 1 jar if you are very tempted. Love…
Hello, we took pickles with us when we went to iftar last night. We finished the pickles and drank the juice :) Since no chemicals are used, it is okay to drink. Thank you very much for your comments and likes. Love…
Since the information you have provided has contributed to the economy and education, I congratulate you. I will try this recipe, pickles are my heart and best regards.
Is this pickle juice drinkable? Thank you very much for the information you have given. Greetings.
we are pregnant, pickles are different, even if we eat them...
How did it hurt me...