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Beet Noodles (Tips for Making Noodles)

Release Date: 10-10-2014
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Hello Dear Friends,

This autumn, we tried many traditional and modern recipes with you. Especially during the winter months, the recipes that will color and add flavor to our table have become my favourite. Now it's time to share the last recipe of winter preparations with you.

Except for the recipe, I shared all the tricks I know with you. Unfortunately, since I do not have a large balcony and a garden, I cannot dry the noodles by laying them out, instead, I dry the noodles in the oven by turning them occasionally at very low heat. Then I leave it for 1 more day to remove its moisture.

how to make noodles

Things to consider when making noodles:

  • noodle dough It should be firmer and harder than a normal dough.
  • You should definitely not let the dough that you opened before cutting it to stick with flour.
  • colorful noodles If you try to dry them in the sun, they will quickly lose their color. If possible, it is better to dry them in a dry but shaded place.
  • In the oven if you are going to dry the noodles You should take care to keep the heat low and to mix it frequently. Otherwise, some of your noodles will change color or even brown.
  • Those who will do the cutting process by hand should let the dough dry a little. If it's too dry, you'll have trouble cutting it, and if it's wet, you'll have parts that are out of shape and stick to each other.
  • The cut noodles must be dried by flouring and mixed by shaking from time to time.
  • You can store your completely dried noodle in jars or cloth bags for months by shaking off the excess flour with the help of a sieve and consume it easily.



Ingredients for Beet Noodles (Tips for Making Noodles) Recipe

  • 1 medium red beetroot
  • 5 cups flour + working flour
  • 4 pieces of eggs
  • room temperature milk (if needed)
  • Salt


  1. Seed the beets and boil them. Rinse the HOTPOINT Ariston food processor and purée.
  2. Do not add the beet juice, it will just be beet puree.
  3. Add ¾ of the flour, salt and eggs one by one and knead with the hook-tipped dough kneading attachment of the HOTPOINT kitchen machine.
  4. Add the beet puree and knead a little more. Add flour if needed.
  5. When you get a hard dough that does not stick to the hand, let it rest for 1 hour.
  6. Then tear off the meringues and open them with the help of a roller. Again, cut and flour your dough with the pasta apparatus of your kitchen machine and spread it wide on the counter.
  7. Dry your oven in the oven by turning it to 100 degrees from time to time and not allowing it to brown.

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