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Subtleties of Applying Eyeshadow

Release Date: 16-04-2010
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The only products that make the eyes stand out are eye shadow, eyeliner, eyeliner and mascara. How we use them is very important, when used correctly, unique results and fascinating eyes emerge.

I am handicapped in using eyeliner, but I use eyeliner very well :) In my headlight preference, I always favor earthy or dark gray that goes black.

I always use eyeliner and mascara in my eye makeup. If you don't have these, make-up is missing for me.

Eyeshadow Application Techniques

While researching for myself, this article caught my attention and I decided to share it with you.

Impressive and easy eye shadow application techniques from Eve Pearl, who has won 5 Emmy Awards in the field of make-up.

The most important part of makeup is to highlight the eye in an impressive way. Makeup artist Eve Pearl compiles her tips for eye shadow techniques as a result of her experiences;

1- Apply foundation on the eyelid: The foundation will look like a base on the eyelid and will hold the shadow all day long. After applying the eyeshadow, applying a fixing powder on it for its permanence increases the durability of the make-up.

2- Apply eyeliner on the eyelid: Liquid eyeliners are preferred. Do not hold the eyeliner like a pencil while applying it. Draw a line parallel to the eye. Be careful not to scratch the entire eyelid. Otherwise, the eye will appear low.

3- Smoky eyes: It is always possible to correct the mistakes that occur during the eyeliner application in the 2nd stage. Mix the brown and green eyeshadows and apply them on the eyeliner. Mixing these two colors always works wonders.

Eyeshadow application techniques
Eyeshadow Application Techniques

4- To make it distinctive: A side "V" letter is drawn right next to the eyelid to make the eyes more prominent on the smoky effect. Dark headlights are used with the tip of the letter V facing out. Then it is necessary to distribute this letter V inward. For summer months, you can choose the letter V in peach and bronze tones.

5- To clean: You can use light colors to fix the shadow you have applied. My suggestion is to work with an eyeshadow palette that has loads of colors in it. So you can mix any color you want and get different tones. In eye shadow application, you can also clean the headlights that are smeared under the eyes by applying your moisturizing cream.

6- Mascara: You can apply brown or black eyeliner under the eye. Again, shimmering golden yellow or peach will be suitable for the mist effect. Then you can complete your eye makeup with mascara.


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