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Wheat and Yogurt Summer Salad

Release Date: 10-08-2020
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Hello Dear Friends,

This afternoon, my parents came, the garden was blowing so beautifully that we decided to have a small picnic. Wheat salad with yoghurt before they arrive, lentil patties I had prepared. When they arrived, I immediately made puff pastry with sausage and cheddar and put it in the oven. They were already cooked before we moved the ingredients…

wheat salad

To Wheat Salad With Yoghurt I normally add garnishes, but this time I removed the garnishes and added cucumbers to make it fresher. I think it's been great.

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I would love to share my recipes with your photos in my story :) My Instagram account: @kitchensirlari 


Ingredients for Yogurt Wheat Summer Salad Recipe

• 1 glass of ashura wheat)
• 1,5 cups of yogurt
• 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise
• 2 cloves of garlic
• Quarter bunch of dill
• Quarter bunch of parsley
• 1 tea glass of boiled corn
• 1 cucumber
• 3-4 pickled cucumbers
• salt

For service:

• olive oil
• Red pepper
• optional walnuts


  1. Boil the Aşurelik wheat until soft.
  2. Let the boiled wheat cool.
  3. Finely chop the dill and parsley you washed, chop the pickled cucumbers and cucumbers and put them in a mixing bowl. Add the corn kernels.
  4. Mix the yogurt, salt and mayonnaise by adding the crushed garlic.
  5. Add the chopped cucumber and mix all the ingredients. Rest in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.
  6. Heat the olive oil by adding walnuts and red pepper flakes, drizzle over the salad just before serving.

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