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Favorite Taste of Summer: How to make Fresh Bean Salad? Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 20 MIN, nutritious salad recipes, how to make bean salad, easy bean salad, fresh bean salad, fresh bean salad, Practical Recipes

Favorite Taste of Summer: Fresh Bean Salad

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Portion: Max - 4 People
Preparation: 15 min
Cooking: dk
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It is a candidate to be the most favorite salad of this summer! It is both satisfying and very delicious 💕 I am sure that this salad, which will be both practical and appealing to your palate, will be especially appreciated by your guests. I am sure it will be a delicious alternative for those who are tired of making the same recipes all the time.

20 DK

Since I wanted the fresh beans to absorb the sauce, I mixed them warm, but if you want a brighter and greener salad, you can boil the beans and then put them in ice water and apply shock boiling.

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Those who wish can add a little red onion into it.


Favorite Taste of Summer: Ingredients for Fresh Bean Salad Recipe

  • 350 g green beans
  • 3 capsicum peppers
  • 1 boiled corn kernels
  • 1 cloves of garlic
  • salt, red pepper flakes, black pepper
  • olive oil
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Pomegranate Syrup
  • Walnut

1. Wash, sort and chop the green beans and capia peppers.
2. Boil it in plenty of salted water so that it does not become too soft (it is mild).
3. Add olive oil, salt, spices, garlic, vinegar and pomegranate syrup to the mixing bowl and mix.
4. Add boiled beans, peppers and chopped walnuts, mix and serve. 

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