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How to make Roquefort Dipping-Dip Sauce Recipe? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 5 minutes, what to make with leftover cheese, dipping sauce, dip sauce, easy cheese recipes, party recipes, cheese dip, roquefort sauce, zero waste, Practical Recipes

Roquefort Dipping-Dip Sauce Recipe

Release Date: 15-02-2022
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I have a legendary delicious sauce recipe for Roquefort Dipping. I save the leftover cheese from breakfast or a cheese plate in a small storage container and try to turn it into practical recipes that can be enjoyed with pleasure at the first opportunity.

For example, I cooked very practical puff pastry with the stuffing I prepared with leftover cheese for breakfast.

5 min

Now I have a zero-waste recipe again. Moreover, those who taste it are having a hard time stopping themselves ☺️😍

Watch the Video:

I prepared my first recipe from the Tefal Eco Respect series with an express grater. This chopper is so practical that it is always at hand. Moreover, it is made from 23% recycled plastic, ecologically designed to reduce its impact on the environment.

When serving, use the carrots raw, but boil the broccoli in boiling water for 1 minute. You can also serve with pear if you want.


Ingredients for Roquefort Dipping-Dip Sauce Recipe

  • 3 pieces of roquefort cheese (45 g)
  • 2-3 pieces of old cheddar
  • 1 pack of raw cream
  • 1 stalks of scallion
  • Salt- black pepper


  1. Take the cheeses into the bowl of the chopper, add the cream, salt and pepper.
  2. Run the chopper 2-3 times at short intervals. Add the fresh onion to the almost smooth mixture and mix.
  3. Serve the dipping sauce you prepared with vegetables.

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