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Grape cake

Release Date: 23-10-2007
4 5 5 1

Ebru, my wife's dear colleague, tried and liked the cake recipe made by Ms. Nermin and shared with us. Then he asked my wife to ask me if we could put milk in the cake instead of yogurt.

My dear Ebrucu, of course you can use milk instead of yogurt. I usually use yogurt in my recipes because I like a little denser and fuller cakes. I usually add 2 tablespoons of yogurt even to recipes where I use milk. For light cakes, I suggest you try my muffin/cupcake recipes.



Ingredients for Raisin Cake Recipe

3,5 water glass flour
1 cup of raisins
1 cup powdered sugar
1 water glass measure of oil
1 glasses of yoghurt
1 package baking powder
1 packet of vanillin with sugar
4 pieces of eggs


Beat the sugar and eggs with the mixer on the lowest setting, then on the high setting, until fluffy.
Baking powder mixed with oil, yoghurt and flour and vanillin are added to this mixture and whisking is continued.
Raisins are floured and added to the dough towards the end of whisking, mixed a little, optional orange and lemon zest is added, poured into a greased cake mold and baked in a preheated oven at 150 degrees. After cooling, sprinkle powdered sugar on top, if desired.

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"Grape cakeOne comment on

  • On January 14, 2009 at 19:45 am

    dear nila,
    After your sincere answer, this entry should not be an exaggeration…
    I thought this recipe was yours, I tried it without hesitation...
    but I do not want to disrespect the work of those who do it.
    It wasn't bad, those who ate it liked it.
    I will try the other cake recipes you suggested to me..
    Now I'll report their fate from here :)


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"Grape cakeOne comment on

  • On January 14, 2009 at 19:45 am

    dear nila,
    After your sincere answer, this entry should not be an exaggeration…
    I thought this recipe was yours, I tried it without hesitation...
    but I do not want to disrespect the work of those who do it.
    It wasn't bad, those who ate it liked it.
    I will try the other cake recipes you suggested to me..
    Now I'll report their fate from here :)


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