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How to make Quince Dessert in 15 minutes? Recipe tips, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 15 min, quince dessert, how to make quince dessert, natural red quince dessert, pressure cooker quince dessert, practical quince dessert, Desserts

Quince Dessert in 15 minutes

Release Date: 20-12-2023
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I love how classic flavors can be prepared effortlessly with products that make our lives easier 😍 I have come to you with a recipe for a quince dessert that has a perfect taste and consistency in just 15 minutes without keeping it in sugar ☺️ Moreover, it has that appetizing pomegranate color in a completely natural way.

15 min

Now I'm revealing my secret, the 1 pinch of hibiscus I added to the dessert gives that wonderful color. 1 cinnamon stick and 3-4 cloves of cloves also give a very deep and wonderful aroma.
As the dessert cools, its sherbet thickens thanks to the quince seeds.
It's up to you to serve it the way you want❤️

It is very, very easy to cook practical, healthy and delicious meals every day with @tefalturkiye Cook4Me+. Choose from 150 pre-programmed recipes of Turkish and World cuisine, save your favorites or create your own recipes. Enjoy your meals in 6 different modes (fast (pressure) cooking, classic cooking with 3 temperature levels (slow cooking, boiling and sealing over low heat, reheating and keeping warm). Choose your ingredients and Cook4Me+ will guide you step by step. Easily prepare pre-programmed recipes cook, or create your own recipes with 48 ingredient options. A fast and enjoyable culinary experience awaits you!

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Ingredients for Quince Dessert Recipe in 15 Minutes

  • 3 medium-sized quinces
  • 12 tablespoons of granulated sugar
  • 1 water glass of water
  • 3-4 cloves of cloves
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 tablespoon Hibiscus

    For the above:
  • Slide
  • Powdered Peanuts


1. Peel the quinces, cut them in half and remove the seeds.
2. Place the quinces in the chamber of Cook4Me+.
3. Add two tablespoons of granulated sugar onto the quinces.
4. Add quince seeds, cloves, cinnamon, hibiscus and water to the bowl.
5. Cook on pressure cooking for 15 minutes.
6. Place the cooled quinces on a serving plate and pour the juice over them. Serve with clotted cream and pistachios if desired.

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