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How to make Pumpkin Jar Cake? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 30 min, pumpkin puree, pumpkin pie, pumpkin recipes, jar cake, cake in jar, starch cake, cake recipe, cheese cream cake, new year cake, new year recipes, Cakes-Boutique Cakes

Pumpkin Jar Cake

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 11 oy 4,73/5)
Portion: Personality
Preparation: 15 min
Cooking: 15 min
11 4.73 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

Pumpkin has been on my agenda lately :) The approach of the new year has a great effect on this. A simple recipe that you can use in desserts with you on Friday. pumpkin puree recipe I had shared. In this article, I also included alternative recipes that you can use puree.

we have pumpkin puree there is, I said why not prepare a stylish and practical cake and came up with it. jar cake out :)

30 min

For the cream, I used fresh cream cheese at home, milk cream and powdered sugar. It went great with pumpkin puree. Moreover, it made the cake quite light. You can easily prepare your own cream by using a light and delicious cream cheese instead of whipped cream :)

Also, if you want to make your job easier, you can use ready-made sponge cake, but my cocoa starch cake My recipe suits this cake very well in terms of texture. to your recipe You can find it here.

All you have to do is set a jar in the dimensions you want and cut the cakes in sizes suitable for the jar, just like in the photo.

My jar was medium size and 2 jars are filled with the measurements I gave. If you choose a smaller jar, you can make 4 jars. You can increase the number of these materials by multiplying them as you wish.

You can be sure that it will be liked very much on your special days and parties :)

with me when you try my recipe Don't forget to share on instagram :) I would love to share the recipes you use with your photos in my story :) My Instagram account: @kitchensirlari


Ingredients for Pumpkin Jar Cake Recipe

  • 100 g fresh cream cheese
  • 100 g cream (canned milk cream)
  • 55 g powdered sugar (3 full tablespoons)
  • pumpkin puree (recipe here)
  • Pieces of cake or sponge cake
  • walnut cracks


  1. Beat cream cheese, cream and powdered sugar until thick.
  2. Put the cream in a squeezing bag with a socket on the end and rest it in the refrigerator to cool well.
  3. Shape the cakes with the help of a cookie cutter so that they pass through the rim of the jar.
  4. Put 1 slice of cake in the jar, squeeze a layer of creamy cream on top.
  5. Squeeze the pumpkin puree you bought in another cream piping bag on top.
  6. Continue the same process until the jar is full.
  7. Finally, serve by sprinkling walnut pieces on top.

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