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How to make Practical Peach Yogurt Ice Cream? There is also 1 comment to give you an idea. Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 15 min, diet ice cream, homemade ice cream, how to make ice cream at home, practical ice cream, healthy ice cream, peach ice cream, peach recipes, yogurt ice cream, Ice Cream Recipe Videos

Practical Peach Yogurt Ice Cream

Release Date: 31-07-2017
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Hello Dear Friends,

I have an additive-free, delicious and cool recipe for you that you can easily prepare at home. For this, peaches, yoghurt, lemon and a little honey to sweeten are enough.

You can prepare this recipe both ways, but you can freeze the peaches ahead of time. our peach yoghurt ice cream Since it prevents it from being watered too much, it provides a better consistency.

15 min

Apart from peach, I recommend you to try my recipe with apricot, one of the sweetest fruits of this season.

First of all, I must state that the durability of your food processor is important, if you do not trust it, leave the frozen fruits at room temperature for 6-7 minutes and then pass them through the robot.

You can increase the amount of honey according to your taste or you can use strained yogurt if desired.


Ingredients for Practical Peach Yogurt Ice Cream Recipe

  • 750 g ripe peaches (3 large peaches)
  • 1 glasses of yoghurt
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (can be increased)
  • 2 teaspoon lemon zest
  • juice of half a lemon


  1. Peel, core and slice the peaches.
  2. Put the sliced ​​peaches in a bowl and leave them to freeze in the freezer for 1 night.
  3. Put the frozen peaches in the food processor or the bowl of the blender and chop until they are almost pureed.
  4. Start the robot again by adding yogurt, honey, lemon juice and lemon zest to the peaches.
  5. Put the pureed mixture in a bowl and place it in the freezer. After freezing for 3-4 hours, serve with an ice cream scoop.

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"Practical Peach Yogurt Ice CreamOne comment on

  • On April 25, 2021 at 16:53 PM

    Easy And Practical
    The duration varies from person to person.
    It is easy and practical
    Doesn't spend much money
    It is beneficial for health
    It can always be done
    It is most preferred
    guess what
    What is this
    Brisk and normal gait

    Ankara, 25.4.2021, Nuri Hakan Tataroglu


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"Practical Peach Yogurt Ice CreamOne comment on

  • On April 25, 2021 at 16:53 PM

    Easy And Practical
    The duration varies from person to person.
    It is easy and practical
    Doesn't spend much money
    It is beneficial for health
    It can always be done
    It is most preferred
    guess what
    What is this
    Brisk and normal gait

    Ankara, 25.4.2021, Nuri Hakan Tataroglu


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