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How to make Akide Sugar Pear Dessert and Chefschool? There are also 5 comments to give you an idea. Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk hard candy, pear dessert, dark chocolate, chefschool, cinnamon stick, Istanbul Culinary Institute, cardamom, mascarpone cheese, pear with wine, pear in wine, Culinary School

Akide Candy Pear Dessert and Chefschool

Release Date: 14-10-2011
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Yesterday when you said it was coming at school We made our presentations. We combined the research we have done with 6 people with our recipes and presented them to our trainer chef Fehmi Samancı. Even though we were a bit like fish out of water when we left our training kitchen at Kadir Has University and entered the working kitchen of Culinary, our meals were delicious :)

rock candy

I had a great 3 months thanks to my classmates and positive instructors. When I look back now, I see that the sacrifices I made to get an education (it was not an easy decision for a 30-year-old, married and actively working woman) were definitely not in vain and I chose the right place.

The starting point of the “pear dessert baked in hard wine” that I prepared for my presentation is that it is a natural colorant like wine as well as my passion for hard candy.

When I say pear dessert, the picture that appears in my eyes is red enough to say I am here. It is definitely worth a try when the cinnamon flavor that brightens the rich red of the wine is added.

The cream with Mascarpone Cheese and Bitter Couverture, which I used in the presentation, is a complement to the dessert. In my experiments at home, I used labneh cheese and ordinary dark chocolate, but the flavor and density of mascarpone cheese is much better.

I think it is a dessert that you can prepare for your special days, which is not too troublesome.

Let's talk a little bit about hard candy.

Akide candy is one of the oldest types of Turkish candies, and is thought to have been prepared for the first time in the palace kitchen in the 15th century.

It takes its name from the fact that it was presented at the ceremony held to give the Janissaries their quarterly (Ulufe) monthly salaries. The Janissaries' acceptance of this candy is a symbol of their loyalty to the administration, and thus it is called "akide (devotion) candy".

This candy, which was started to be produced by the people of Istanbul in the 16th century, became widespread among the people as a part of the mawlid ceremony, which became widespread in the 17th century. With the discovery of starch in the 19th century, the type called “Hacı Bekir Cut” emerged when the wax was cut into sticks on marble counters and cut into different shapes in the hands of Hacı Bekir.

Commonly, hazelnut, peanut, sesame, cinnamon, plain and lemon rock candy are produced.

I will share with you the recipes of my classmates, as much as I do for now. My 3-month internship period has started…


Ingredients for Akide Sugar Pear Dessert and Chefschool Recipe

  • 6 pear
  • 350-400 gr hard sugar
  • 600 ml red wine
  • 600 ml water
  • 6 cardamom
  • 2 cloves of dried cloves
  • half stick vanilla

For the mascarpone cream:

  • 200 g dark chocolate
  • 400 g Mascarpone cheese


  1. Crush the rock candies in the rondo and put them in the pot. Add all the water to it and melt it on low heat by stirring.
  2. When you start to smell the sugar, add the red wine and spices and boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Peel the pears without removing the stems and remove the seeds with a pumpkin cutter and throw them into the boiling rock sugar wine.
  4. Cook on low heat for about 30 minutes, turning them upside down, until the pears turn brown.
  5. Transfer the pears to a serving plate and leave to cool at room temperature.
  6. For the cream, break the chocolate into small pieces. Melt the chocolates in a thick-bottomed Teflon pan over low heat. If you do not have a thick Teflon pan, melt the chocolate in a bain-marie.
  7. Add the cheese to the melted chocolate and mix with the help of a spatula until there is no roughness.
  8. Take the cooled amutes on a serving plate and pour some of the sauce remaining in the pot on them.
  9. Fill the chocolate cream you have prepared into a piping bag and squeeze it on the serving plate as you wish.
  10. You can serve the dessert cold in summer and warm in winter.

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"Akide Candy Pear Dessert and Chefschool5 comments for ”

  • Oct. 16, 2011 at 22:03 PM

    Get well soon Nilay, you have passed this stage as well. I wish you to work according to your heart in the new doors that have been opened.

  • Oct. 14, 2011 at 15:20 PM

    It looks delicious, as always, I thought that cream was star anise while I was looking at admiring photographs.

    • Oct. 14, 2011 at 15:28 PM

      You can use a little more sugar and water instead of Nursencim wine, but this will not take the color. Maybe measles candy can be an alternative. As the wine boils, the alcohol evaporates and eventually adds a pleasant cherry flavor, so the main recipe will be tastier. love.


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"Akide Candy Pear Dessert and Chefschool5 comments for ”

  • Oct. 16, 2011 at 22:03 PM

    Get well soon Nilay, you have passed this stage as well. I wish you to work according to your heart in the new doors that have been opened.

  • Oct. 14, 2011 at 15:20 PM

    It looks delicious, as always, I thought that cream was star anise while I was looking at admiring photographs.

    • Oct. 14, 2011 at 15:28 PM

      You can use a little more sugar and water instead of Nursencim wine, but this will not take the color. Maybe measles candy can be an alternative. As the wine boils, the alcohol evaporates and eventually adds a pleasant cherry flavor, so the main recipe will be tastier. love.


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