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Pea Salad

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 4 oy 5,00/5)
Portion: Personality
Preparation: 10 min
Cooking: 10 min
4 5 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

When we say that the holiday is over and the schools are open, we are almost at the end of September. I think I was outside of Istanbul this year more than I have been in the last 10 years. Again, vacation and work mixed together, but mostly it was like a vacation :) Of course, when this was the case, I ate as much as I toured… If you cut short on food on vacation, would you enjoy that vacation? I don't think so :) On his return, he said, "Wow, friend, but I walked a lot, I swam a lot, why did this happen?" Even if I say I know my fault :)

Anyway, these days, if I have the opportunity to eat lighter and lose the weight I gained from work (activity, content creation, this is what I always taste, always cooking”), which I should… I will try to lose it in a very healthy way.

20 DK

Today, for example, I made a pea salad as a delicious appetizer with the main course. Yes, dieters try to avoid peas, carrots and potatoes. If I'm going to consume one of these, I don't eat bread for that meal. I add 4-5 tablespoons next to the grills or add it to the salad to flavor my salad.

Do not look at the diet, it is not a diet recipe in itself. You can mix it with the ingredients you want, especially with yogurt or pasta, or just consume it as a salad.

I like garlic to fresh peas like this, if you want, you can add fresh onions instead of garlic. If you want, you can add yogurt to it and mix it. There are all kinds of expenses you can understand :)

I mentioned in the culinary school section for the peas to keep their fresh green state. I used the scalding method. While cooking, make sure that it stays a little sticky.


Ingredients for Pea Salad Recipe

  • 2 cups fresh peas (don't wait for them to thaw if in the freezer)
  • 1 large cloves of garlic
  • 1-2 pinches of dill
  • 5-6 pickled gherkins
  • 5-6 semi-dried tomatoes
  • olive oil
  • salt
  • vinegar (I chose apple cider vinegar)


  1. Fill a medium saucepan halfway with water, add salt and bring it to a boil.
  2. Throw the peas from the freezer into the boiling water and boil them until they are soft.
  3. Drain the boiled peas and put them in a bowl of cold water and drain after cooling.
  4. Finely chop the dried tomatoes, pickles and dill.
  5. Put it in a salad bowl, add the peas, crushed garlic, vinegar and oil and mix.
  6. If desired, add 1-2 stalks of very finely chopped spring onion, mix and serve.



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