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NUTRITION DURING RAMADAN PERIOD ? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk nutrition in iftar, diet nutrition while fasting, diet in ramadan, how to eat in ramadan, nutrition in sahur, Diet Recipes


Release Date: 31-03-2021
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Hello Dear Friends,

My dear Dietician Dilan Sağlam has prepared a very informative article for you. herself on instagram @dyt.dilansaglam Don't forget to follow your account.

There are only a few days left to the month of Ramadan, which many of us look forward to. We are already surrounded by thoughts about what to eat for iftar and sahur. At the same time, questions have begun to come to us, whether I will lose weight during Ramadan? Let's talk and learn how to eat.

nutrition at iftar


Since Ramadan again coincides with the spring period, the hunger period is long. If you do not eat properly during this period, factors such as weakness, fatigue, irritability, muscle loss, wrong weight loss or weight gain, and slowing of metabolism occur.

However, when fed correctly, the body is rested and purified in this process, and instead of muscle loss, fat loss occurs.

After the body realizes that it is fasting, it uses glucose, which is the priority for energy. After the use of glucose is finished, it switches to fats for energy and uses stored fats. It is a situation we want that fats are used for energy because what we call fat loss occurs.

The first two weeks are the phase of getting used to fasting. The last two weeks are the body fully adapted to this situation. The difficulties experienced in the first week are replaced by comfort in the last week. The body gradually gets used to the process, so if you eat right, it is not an unhealthy situation, on the contrary, it is a situation that improves your quality of life. situation is happening.


Those who do not have any health problems, those who have health problems and do not see any harm in fasting by the doctor can easily fast during this period.

If there are people who want to fast to lose weight, I say they should go back this way, if this process is not managed correctly, it will not support you in losing weight.


We have come to the expected part. What should we pay attention to? How we eat, we will turn negative results into positive.

In this process, because we are hungry for a long time and our eating times are short, we definitely make our iftar and sahur. It is not a right behavior to say that we do not make sahur and load up for iftar.

If possible, we break our fast with water, then if we want dry dates, we break our fast with olives or a little salt. We are not going to the main meal, I know this part is a bit difficult, but even if the body can't bear to eat fast food one after the other, you will experience digestive problems. If we cannot digest milk, we can choose lactose-free.

In this process, as much as possible, we stay away from carbonated drinks, fries, salty, packaged, refined sugar and simple carbohydrate products.

When you write the above, don't be afraid, we have room for them too, but in moderation. If you want to eat pita, eat it, but not a whole pita and after it is pita, it should not be sweet. Let the dessert be after a day or two. In this process, try to prefer milk desserts rather than syrupy desserts. Or if you want to eat dessert with sherbet, try to choose 1/2 portion.


It is important for us to eat sahur as well as iftar. Sahur means preparation for the next day. In this process, try to choose products with clean content rather than salty and sugary foods. If possible, try to eat eggs every sahur. Those who cannot eat eggs may prefer cheese. Plenty of greens, quality carbohydrates, low salt olives, You can choose unsweetened tea or herbal tea. Sometimes you can choose it in soup. But be careful about the consumption of tea and coffee in the sahur.

Water consumption is not fast, it should be spread between iftar and sahur. 2-3 liters of water you drink during sahur is not good for you, it is good for you to spread that 2-3 liters of water between iftar and sahur.


If you are not a professional athlete, try to do sports 1.5-2 hours after iftar.

Happy Ramadan to all of us :)

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