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My World Cake and Cake Day Recipes

Release Date: 18-05-2013
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Hello Dear Friends,

World Cake and Cake Day, which started to be celebrated for the first time in the world last year, emerged as an enjoyable way for cake and cake lovers to share their passion for baking. At the event, which will be celebrated simultaneously all over the world on Saturday-Sunday, May 18-19, the bravest cakes and cakes of the world will be baked this year!


World Cake and Cake Day, which Sana supports this year, will be your sweetest excuse to bake delicious cakes and cakes all day long and share them with your loved ones.

Facebook over @sanaturkey via hashtag and Twitter #worldbakingday ve #mybravecake You can showcase your brave cupcake on social media by sharing it with their hashtags…

if you want You can choose the recipe that will inspire you on the website.

If you want, you can reach the 3 recipes I prepared for today from the links below.

Lemon Sauce Cake
Chocolate Madeleine Cake
Dream Cake


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