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Mütebbel – Eggplant Appetizer

Release Date: 10-10-2022
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I love to prepare warm and sincere tables consisting of light treats for my friends. One of my favorite appetizers, Mütebbeli, I prepared with Paşabahçe's useful and stylish products, from its preparation to its finale.

easy and delicious appetizers

Paşabahçe Elysia goblet I also served with I'm sure this flavor will be your favourite :)
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Don't forget to watch the video for the details of this recipe :)


Ingredients for Mütebbel – Eggplant Appetizer Recipe

• 4 medium-sized eggplants
• 3 tablespoons of tahini
• 4 tablespoons of yogurt
• juice of half a lemon
• 3 cloves of garlic
• salt

For the top:
• Olive oil
• Parsley
• pomegranate seeds

For service:

• Tortilla
• Olive oil
• mint and chili pepper


  1. Make holes in the eggplants with a knife and roast them. Put the roasted eggplants in a bowl and close the container airtight and wait for it to cool in it.
  2. Cut the tortillas into triangles, grease them with spicy olive oil and bake until crispy.
  3. Peel the skin of the cooled eggplants, put them on the cutting board and chop and mash with a knife to almost puree.
  4. Add yoghurt, tahini, crushed garlic and salt to the eggplants and mix well.
  5. Take the prepared salad into the Paşabahçe Elysia glass.
  6. Serve sprinkled with parsley leaves and pomegranate seeds.

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