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Mix Salad

Release Date: 28-04-2009
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A wonderful recipe with fennel, which is the herb I've been wanting to use for a long time, from Mrs. Hilal. Fennel onions are as healthy and nutritious as they are delicious. Health to your hands!

diet salad
Mixed Fennel Salad

Ingredients for Mix Salad Recipe

6 leaves of lettuce
half belly
4 leaves Mediterranean salad
half fresh fennel (fencel)
1 red carrot
1 fresh onions
half a bunch of dill
half a bunch of parsley
1/4 purslane

For sauce:

1 small teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil
1 lemon
1 teaspoon mustard
1 teaspoon mayonnaise
1 teaspoon of pomegranate syrup

Mix Salad
Mix Salad


All greens are washed. It is kept in vinegar water for 5-10 minutes, and filtered well. If possible, the greens are divided by hand, not with a knife, and taken to the serving plate. Fresh fennel (you can find it in metro and migros with the name fençel) and its stems are finely chopped like cucumbers and onions. Dill and parsley are chopped, not too thin, and mixed. The red carrot is cut into strips with the help of a peeler and decorated on the top.

The sauce is mixed with all the ingredients and passed through a hand blender and poured over it during service at the table. You don't need to eat a delicious meal.

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