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How to make Mırlan Pan? Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 20 MIN, tips for frying fish, fried fish, large haddock, haddock, fried haddock, purr, purr fish, fried bonito, Sea products

Mırlan Pan

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 20 oy 3,75/5)
Portion: Personality
Preparation: 10 min
Cooking: 10 min
20 3.75 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

The person who loves fish in our house is my wife. The fish he also likes does not exceed 2-3 types. Somebody bonito, one is horse mackerel but her favorite is Mırlan. Although my father is a sailor and I grew up with the sea since I was a child, I rarely eat fish, but murlan, or large haddock, also known as chicken fish, is my favourite.

20 DK

for the purr whiting we can say the iris of the fish. So when I say big, it's pretty big; The flesh is white, boneless and delicious. Last week, when my wife wanted fish, I stopped by Kadıköy Fish Market. Each of the murmurs alone weighed about 1 kilo. Since I didn't want to deal with cleaning it myself at home, I had it cleaned and sliced ​​right there.

There are 1-2 tricks to consider when frying fish. Abundant and angry oil. The other is to fry the scaly, that is, the skinned side, first, whether on the grill or in the pan.


The way to fry the fish without scattering it is to cook the side you started frying like a pomegranate and turn the other side after one side is cooked.

If you want to add different flavors to your fish, you can fry it by breading it with hazelnuts, peanuts or stale bread after flouring it.


Ingredients for Mırlan Pan Recipe

  • 1 kilo of purslane (de-oiled, sliced)
  • 2 water glass flour
  • 1 sweet spice salt
  • 2 cups of oil for frying


  1. Mix the flour with salt and spread it in a wide pyrex.
  2. Take the oil in the pan and heat it on medium heat.
  3. Dip the cleaned and cleaned fish slices front and back in flour and shake off the excess flour by gently shaking them.
  4. Place the cleaned purslane in the pan with the white flesh side facing you.
  5. When the skin turns golden, turn and fry the white flesh side.
  6. Take the cooked fish on a plate lined with paper towels.
  7. Serve hot when all the pieces are cooked.

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