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How to make Miracle Formulas with Suna Dumankaya? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk avocado mask, bepanthen cream, beauty formulas, beauty masks, wrinkle mask, wrinkle removal, suna danskaya, face mask, Beauty Secrets

Miracle Formulas with Suna Dumankaya

Release Date: 08-07-2010
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Unfortunately, I couldn't attend a great event last week. It was really sad to miss the opportunity to talk about different beauty secrets with Suna Dumankaya at the event, but thank goodness they didn't forget me and they sent me beauty formulas that can be prepared at home along with a very elegant gift package. I will share these formulas with you from time to time :) The first formula is wrinkle mask!

avocado mask

Ingredients for Miracle Formulas Recipe with Suna Dumankaya

1/4 ripe avocado
1 teaspoon of honey
1 teaspoons of lemon juice
1 teaspoon Bepanthen Cream


Add the other ingredients to the mashed avocado and mix. Apply 1 hour before going to bed at night and let it stay on your face all night. When this formula is used regularly, there will be a visible reduction in lines over time.

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