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How to make Biscuit Mini Cheesecake? There are also 3 comments to give you an idea. Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 30 min, cheesecake with few ingredients, Cheesecake recipe, cheesecake, cheesecake, practical cheesecake, Practical Recipes

Biscuit Mini Cheesecake

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 9 oy 5,00/5)
Portion: Personality
Preparation: 15 min
Cooking: 15 min
9 5 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

Probably because I usually prefer cheese with salty flavors. cheesecake It took a while for me to reconcile with. To be honest, I didn't like it very much before I made it myself. Then, when he started playing with the ingredients and making something suitable for my own taste, he started to show up more at tea time.

30 min

I think you will like it very much with its taste and elegant presentation for one person. You can serve it with different fruits or even jams according to your taste. You can make many different and practical varieties.



Ingredients for Biscuit Mini Cheesecake Recipe

For the base:

  • 1 packs of oatmeal biscuits
  • 50 g butter

For the cream:

  • 200 g labneh cheese
  • 100 ml cream
  • 1 tea glass of granulated sugar
  • 1 pieces of eggs
  • 1 tablespoons of starch

For the above:

  • Cocoa Cream Biscuits
  • 1 packet of whipped cream


  1. Take the oat biscuits and butter into the blender jar. Blend it until it becomes like dough.
  2. Take the muffin papers in the muffin tray. Divide the biscuit crumbs equally among them and flatten the bases with the help of a water glass.
  3. Beat the labneh cheese, cream and granulated sugar for 2-3 minutes until it gets thick. Add the starch and beat for 1 more minute.
  4. Finally, add the egg and mix.
  5. Pour the mixture over the biscuit bases and bake in a preheated 160 degree oven.
  6. When the cheesecakes have cooled, remove them from the molds and place them on a serving plate.
  7. Add the whipped cream and the biscuits you cut into 2 parts and serve.

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"Biscuit Mini Cheesecake3 comments for ”

  • On November 30, 2014 at 11:07 PM

    How many minutes on average do we cook in an oven at 160 degrees (it may differ according to different ovens)?

  • On November 21, 2014 at 08:14 PM


    I made it from biscuit mini cheesecake, it swelled very well in the oven, but when I took it out of the oven, it ended, I wonder why it got so fluffy?

    • On February 24, 2018 at 22:14

      Hi, I answer, turn off the oven after baking, but do not take the cheeskake out of the oven, let it rest in the oven, after the initial temperature has passed, take it out of the oven. Also, the desired type of cake cannot be opened for 20 minutes, then the rising cake will go out. Thank you.


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"Biscuit Mini Cheesecake3 comments for ”

  • On November 30, 2014 at 11:07 PM

    How many minutes on average do we cook in an oven at 160 degrees (it may differ according to different ovens)?

  • On November 21, 2014 at 08:14 PM


    I made it from biscuit mini cheesecake, it swelled very well in the oven, but when I took it out of the oven, it ended, I wonder why it got so fluffy?

    • On February 24, 2018 at 22:14

      Hi, I answer, turn off the oven after baking, but do not take the cheeskake out of the oven, let it rest in the oven, after the initial temperature has passed, take it out of the oven. Also, the desired type of cake cannot be opened for 20 minutes, then the rising cake will go out. Thank you.


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