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How to make Milk Lemonade? Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 10 min, how to make brazilian lemonade, practical drink recipes, milk drinks, milk lemonade ingredients, how to make milk lemonade, Drinks

Milk Lemonade

Release Date: 26-08-2023
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It was a recipe that my wife had been obsessed with for a long time and wanted to try, and I squinted. #milklemonade . Finally, I said let's do it then. When I tasted it, I really liked it. As I thought, the lemon did not have a strong bitterness, and its aroma was quite intense.

10 min

If I add a drop or two of vanilla extract on my next try, I think we will get a taste close to lemon ice cream. In fact, we are not strangers to fruit and milk mixes. Those who like to make pina colada with pineapple juice and milk will definitely like this recipe.

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Let's see what more these heat will make us do 😂❤️🍋

Ingredients for Milk Lemonade Recipe

  • 3 small lemons
  • 1 pinch of fresh mint leaves
  • Half a glass of granulated sugar
  • 1 water glass of water
  • 2 water glass milk


  1. Wash the lemons by rubbing the peel. Chop into desired sizes.
  2. Put the lemon, sugar, mint leaves, milk and water in the blender and run it on low and then on high.
  3. Strain the lemonade you prepared and serve with ice.

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