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How to make Kitchen Secrets Live? There are also 3 comments to give you an idea. Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk live broadcast, From me personally

Kitchen Secrets Live

Release Date: 15-04-2011
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Hello Dear Friends

live broadcastI try to prepare different and practical dishes from my Kitchen Secrets blog in order to be more useful to you at all times. I determine the recipes that I will prepare in line with your wishes and tastes. From now on, we will start making my recipes, which I shared with photos on the blog, by broadcasting Live Broadcasting one day a week, together with you, on When this idea first came to mind, it was really exciting for me. I was more excited when I learned that we could provide and realize the necessary infrastructure. In this application, where I can be closer to you, you will be able to ask your questions as a viewer. I will try to answer them as much as I can during the live broadcast.

At the same time, we are thinking of an enjoyable program where we can host a different guest in each program and have a chat while preparing our meal. These guests will mainly be owners of different food blogs, and sometimes we will host names from Social Media.

Our first program  April 17 2011 hour on Sunday 14:00 We intend to do it. Our guest of the first program we will do as a test broadcast is not a food blog owner. We hear from Social Media, especially from Friend Feed and Twitter, and The owner will be Cihan Kaloğlu.

I published with you in Kitchen Secrets before. Pancake We will make the recipe. Since it is the first program yet and it is in the testing phase, we thought it appropriate to start with a simple recipe. I look forward to watching my first broadcast on Sunday :)

Addresses where you can watch the live broadcast

Note: There may be some technical glitches as it will be the first broadcast. Forgive in advance :)

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"Kitchen Secrets Live3 comments for ”

  • On April 16, 2011 at 12:14 PM

    I wish you success in advance, I admire your Nilay energy. I hope your broadcast goes well..

  • On April 15, 2011 at 18:23 PM

    Wow, this is such an exciting situation, Nilaycim, live broadcast. Definitely not to be missed, I wish you good luck


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"Kitchen Secrets Live3 comments for ”

  • On April 16, 2011 at 12:14 PM

    I wish you success in advance, I admire your Nilay energy. I hope your broadcast goes well..

  • On April 15, 2011 at 18:23 PM

    Wow, this is such an exciting situation, Nilaycim, live broadcast. Definitely not to be missed, I wish you good luck


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