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Kidney Bean Paste

Release Date: 17-09-2013
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Hello Dear Friends,

I was not at home last week. The fresh red kidney beans I bought from the market the week before that started to pass out in the crisper. So if they wait a little longer, they are in a fashion that will rot.

with olive oil, ground beefWhile I was cooking the stew, I decided to try something different today, something between mash and fava beans.

The only troublesome part of the recipe is sorting the beans one by one, but if you are a little stressed or angry with someone, it can even be enjoyable to crush the kidney beans one by one :)

kidney bean

You can use a cream bag like me while serving, so you can create different presentations. All you have to do is to take the red bean puree you have passed through the blender into the cream bag and squeeze it the way you want.


Ingredients for Kidney Bean Paste Recipe

  • 500 g fresh kidney beans
  • 2 medium onion
  • 3 large cloves of garlic
  • 10 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1-2 teaspoons of cumin
  • salt
  • juice of half a lemon


  1. Extract the fresh kidney beans. Boil the red beans in plenty of water until they soften.
  2. Filter the boiled grains and cool them under cold running water and remove their shells.
  3. Chop the onions and garlic. Put the olive oil in the pot and fry it by adding the garlic and onions.
  4. When the onions turn pink, add the skinless kidney beans to the pot. Add cumin and salt and continue to fry by mashing with the back of the spoon.
  5. After frying for 10 minutes on low heat, take it off the stove and add lemon juice and pass it through the blender.
  6. Serve warm or cold with olive oil and red pepper on top.

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"Kidney Bean PasteOne comment on

  • Sept. 18, 2013 at 11:03 pm

    Looks great, well done my dear...


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"Kidney Bean PasteOne comment on

  • Sept. 18, 2013 at 11:03 pm

    Looks great, well done my dear...


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