Karatay Diet 101
“Hello, Dear Friends,
Now you all know our beloved Sinem, the author of our Beauty Secrets section :) She started the Karatay Diet and decided to share her experiences with you. Here is the first post…”
I've never been too weak in my life. Ever since I started puberty, I've always been a bigger, heavier kid than my peers. And it's always been a subject that depresses me. Don't be misunderstood when I say overweight, I've never been obese, but I've never been a size 34 either. Since I struggled and lost weight from time to time and lost weight from time to time, I was 38 size one year and 42 the next year, and we have come to this day. After the fit body I had last year, I gained weight since December this year and I have come to this day with this 10 kilos that I gradually gained. During my last visit to Ankara (3 weeks ago), everyone who saw me said that you gained a lot of weight, and this unbelievably upset me. I decided to lose weight, but this time I want it to be permanent, I don't want it back next year. I started searching. I watched how well Nilay lost weight in front of my eyes with the Dukan diet. Other friends of mine lost weight very well with Dukan. But when I reviewed Dukan, I decided it wasn't a diet for me. The searches continued. When my sister said that she bought the Karatay Diet book of Canan Karatay, I made fun of her, but I said, "Can you lose weight like that?" Until one day, I saw Canan Karatay Hanım on TV. I was at home that day and I was doing research on the internet about how to lose weight. I researched the Karatay Diet, which I approached my sister with prejudice, and I read a few interviews with Ms. Canan. She was saying such sensible things! Then I realized that Ms. Canan was a guest on a program on TV and I started watching it. It was telling something so close to the diet that I love and that I am used to! There was a woman in front of me who said, "Eat butter and olive oil," and I've been advocating this for years. Well, I also fell for the book and read it… The book I started reading exactly one week ago changed my life. I, who haven't been eating very healthy for a while, was so impressed by what Ms. Canan told me that I decided to shake myself off. I have been eating exactly as Canan Karatay mentioned for 1 week and I lost 1 kilos in this 1 week!
I am not going to explain all the details of the Karatay Diet in a scientific way, Canan has already mentioned enough in her 3 books. Actually, I want to talk about what I eat in accordance with the Karatay Diet.
We have misunderstood what is called a "diet" for years, we have been fed according to a measured calorie count. But in fact, the logic of the Karatay Diet is very simple, it is to eat all foods that are healthy and low in glycemic index until satiated and to remove bad fats, sugar and foods with high glycemic index from our lives. While doing this, eat 3 meals a day. You heard right, not 6 meals, 3 meals. In this way, it secretes the hormone leptin and lose weight. It may seem difficult, but once you understand the essence of "life and diet", you can prepare a thousand and one meals.
If we start with breakfast, eggs are a must for breakfast every day. In her first book, Ms. Canan talks about the benefits of eating 2 healthy eggs every morning. Even though 2 eggs a day is a lot for someone like me who doesn't eat much eggs, I've been used to it for a week. How the egg is cooked and how long it is cooked is very important. If you want to eat it as a boiled egg, it should be apricot-like or soft-boiled. The more the egg is cooked, the more harmful it becomes. But we don't just have to eat boiled eggs. In addition to breaking into butter (not sold in the market, but homemade or village butter), you can also make an egg omelet or menemen. Since I can't eat boiled eggs, I started making a different omelet every day. Having butter at home from the village (made by our neighbor in the village) is also my advantage :) When you say one day with dill, one day with parsley, one day with tomatoes, one day with cheese, every day a different omelette makes breakfast different ;) Forget about a matchbox cheese for breakfast! You can eat as much as your palm of cheese. You can mix it with an egg or eat it directly. And you're free to eat whatever cheese you want, as long as it's not too salty. Since all light products are banned, we are rapidly moving away from light cheese. Izmir Tulum, Ezine cheese, Erzurum Tulum, sheep-goat cheese, feta cheese, curd, whatever you want… You should also eat 1-8 olives (from non-cocktail olives, broken or saddle olives) every morning. You can even eat up to 10 olives a day. Cheese, olives, eggs, it's not over, you should definitely eat things like tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, greens for breakfast. We have come to the crucial point: NO BREAD! In this diet, we completely remove bread from our lives. Do not be afraid that I will not be full, I have never been so full in my life :) Instead of bread, you can eat 20 tea glass of walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts for breakfast. (Must be unsalted and unroasted). These cookies keep you so full that they are also very useful. You can also consume 1-2 dried apricots (day dried apricots are preferred), which facilitates digestion, for breakfast. Tea, lemon tea, green tea, plenty of water, or milk can be consumed, provided that they are all sugar-free, and breakfast and milk must not be light! Well, if you ask if it's a diet by eating so much, it does.
After having such a full breakfast, you do not feel hungry until 13:00-14:00 in the afternoon. Considering that you don't have snacks, this is a record for me. Of course, in the meantime, you can drink unsweetened tea, coffee (coffee made from ground coffee such as Turkish coffee or filter coffee, granulated coffee is strictly prohibited), water and ayran as much as you want.
Even though you are not very hungry at noon, you need to eat something now. The biggest problem of people who work or go out during the day is the food to eat at noon. Unless you prepare your own lunch at home, you should make sure that the meal is prepared before you eat a home-cooked meal. It is better not to eat vegetables cooked with refined oils, margarine. My lunch for a week is usually salad – yoghurt (with very little flaxseed added) – walnuts or just yoghurt (flaxseed) and walnuts-apricots-almonds. In fact, it is very easy to eat this lunch I mentioned wherever you are. Keep a small bag of walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, dried apricots in your bag, and take it with you before you leave the house in the morning. You are still so full at noon that yoghurt and these nuts are enough for lunch. But of course, 1 plate of vegetable dish, salad, yogurt and maybe grilled chicken-meat-fish can be much better.
Evening is similar to lunch, and you need to balance it with a menu based on your location. For example, if you need to eat out in the evening, you can have a dinner in the form of grilled chicken-fish-meat and salad. At home, it is easier to shape your menu, 1 plate of vegetable food, 1 bowl of soup, salad and grill would be a nice dinner.
Legumes are also one of the basic elements of the Karatay Diet, but they are the main ones. For example, you shouldn't eat rice, but you can eat bulgur. Beans, chickpeas, wheat, black-eyed peas, lentils are legumes that you can cook, add to salads, and use in soups.
On fruits, you should read the book carefully, unfortunately not all fruits can be eaten because most of them have a high glycemic index. But certain fruits are allowed (apple-pear etc.). Also, edible walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, dried apricots, tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers are also fruits. That's why there is no fruit :D
Let me finish this article by giving yesterday's menu as an example.
When you wake up in the morning, it will be prepared:
- 1 lemon (sliced)
- 1 pinch of fresh mint
- 1 stick of cinnamon
- 1 jug of water
1 jug of water is prepared by slicing the lemons and adding lemon to the jug, 1 pinch of fresh mint and 1 stick of cinnamon, until it is full. You need to consume this water throughout the day, you can drink plenty of it instead of regular water.
In the morning at breakfast:
- Parsley and dill omelette prepared with 2 eggs
- 1 handful of feta cheese
- 3-4 cherry tomatoes
- 1 red pepper
- 7-8 broken green olives
- 1 cup of walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds
- 2-3 days dried apricots
At lunch:
Green Lentil Salad:
- 3-4 tablespoons of boiled green lentils
- 1 tablespoon of boiled wheat
- 1 carrot grater
- Dill and parsley as desired (chopped)
- half red pepper
- Juice of half a lemon
- very little vinegar
- Olive oil
- Salt (rock salt preferred)
We turn it all into a salad. 1 bowl of yoghurt (with 1 teaspoon of flaxseed in it.)
At the dinner:
- Cold lentil and wheat buttermilk soup
- Boiled lentils and wheat (size is up to you)
- Yoghurt
- Su
- Buz
- Fresh or dried mint
- optional red pepper flakes
You bring the boiled and cooled lentils and wheat to the desired consistency by mixing them with yogurt and water. Fresh or dried mint can be added to it. While eating, a little olive oil or red pepper flakes can be drizzled on it. You can also put ice in it while eating. A perfect summer soup
Purslane Salad:
- purslane leaves
- 1 large tomato
- 1 large red pepper (can be roasted)
- Juice of half a lemon
- very little vinegar
- Olive oil
- 2 cloves of garlic, if desired
Thyme Grilled Entrecote:
You smell directly into the pan without marinating the entrecotes. You can only rub a little olive oil on the outside with your hand. I cut 1 clove of garlic in half and rub it outside. You let it cook on the lowest heat stove with the lid of the pan closed on the lowest heat. After 10-15 minutes, you turn the other side that it is well watered. After 10-15 minutes, you can turn it again and put a little salt on one side. At this time, it begins to drain water. In the third 10-15 minutes, you turn it for the last time. You wait for the water to absorb well and turn off the bottom. You sprinkle thyme on both sides. The meat is both soft and cooked very healthily, and it never gets dry.
Isn't it full? I lost 1 kilos in 2 week by eating similarly to this. This is how we eat from now on :)
Written and Photographed by Sinem Çomarlı
Thank you for sharing a very informative and useful article.
Ms. Sinem, I have been patiently reading your article, I've been eating Karatay style for a month, I've lost four kilos, I'll continue, I couldn't lose weight, I went to a dietitian, I saw that I lost weight while I was hopeless.
Wheat is forbidden, unless it is ancient wheat. That's einkorn and one more genetically unmodified wheat type left in karst, I think its name was Kavılca.
Thanks to this diet, I lost 15 kilos, thank you very much.
I bought 3 books of Canan lady yesterday. Thank you for your above article. I'm waiting for the continuation. I need to read more at jet speed. But I went on a diet. What they said sounds very logical to me. I wanted to ask you. Isn't it disgusting when you eat the egg every morning? For some reason, he gets disgusted when I eat something for a long time. I am a working woman with children. I can't make long-distance omelets like that. I immediately crack two eggs in butter in a pan and try to eat it. I'm on my third day now, although yesterday I couldn't hold back much, but when I was eating the egg in the morning, the disgust started. Doesn't it happen to you too, friends??
With Canan's diet, I lost 5 kilos in 10 months, but I could have lost more, I just couldn't give up on bread, I must eat 2-3 slices of whole rye bread a day, yes I have been following this diet for 1 year now, I haven't gained any weight but I continue to lose weight, I don't want to lose more. Chunky everyone says it doesn't suit my facial features :) but I recommend it to everyone on a super diet, it's both very easy and healthy
I am a person with more sugar than normal, I cut out sugar from junk food, bread and packaged products. On my 4th day, I think I lost 2.5 kg. I am restful in the mornings. 2-3 hours after dinner, my sugar was 102. I feel more rested. I told the lady that if Karatay didn't say don't drink water, I wouldn't be able to drink it from now on :)
The karatay diet really works. I lost 4 kilos in 4 weeks. you should definitely read the book :)
hello, I started this healthy diet by buying the first book of Ms. Canan on 17.12.2013 (71 kilos) and as of today, my weight is 13.02.14: 62.800.
With this lifestyle, I lose my weight in a very healthy and happy way without getting hungry and this makes me very happy. Also, I regularly take a walk for at least 30 minutes every day. My goal is 55 kilos, after getting used to this diet, everything comes very easily.. Like me, dieting I recommend this healthy diet to anyone who has a cold.
I can't lose weight no matter what I do, but what you said got me excited. I hope I do not lose this excitement.
did it really do you any good?
hello everyone, I had to go on a diet after two kids.. for some reason, I didn't always like to eat on this list and I was finding it ridiculous, and finally I said, maybe it would be useful to give it a try, I bought your book and started it. .I recommend it to everyone
I lost 2 kg in 4 weeks. It's interesting, I'm not hungry, I hope I can continue this diet for life :)
Thank you very much, you did not use it and wrote it. I'm just starting out on this diet, I hope I write the results. I wish you continued success.
hi, it's been 5 days since i started this diet. I don't have any difficulties, most importantly, I saw that even though I don't like pasta without bread, I can rinse without eating bread. The swelling in my body went down during these five days. I'm a diabetic, my head was spinning. I hope I'll see when I lose weight, I don't want to look yet, it's too new yet. thank you.
It is a very detailed article indeed. Thanks for this informative article about the Karatay diet…
Friends, I am doing the karatay diet, it has been exactly 1 month since it started, I lost 10 kilos, I recommend it to all of you :)
today is my 66th day and I lost 18 kilos.. Karatay says that you will quit bread as if you quit smoking.. apply it and see the difference..
Hello, I just met this site and I'm glad I came across it :) I eat light meals that are not heavy with a calorie count without exceeding 1000 calories, mostly vegetables, and I consume less olive oil in general, so when I say low, I pay attention not to eat fat, I consume whole wheat bread and I try to hurt myself by seeing what I eat, but only in 3 weeks. I lost 3 kilos:\ I love what you told me, how can I have this book? I would appreciate it if you could tell me if there is a sale on the internet or if it is sold in a bookstore or something and the price.
Hello everyone, I want to start the karatay diet, but I couldn't figure out how it should be, can I get some more information on how the karatay diet is done?
Hello Merve, I recommend you to read the book for more detailed information.
In this diet, it is absolutely necessary not to eat bread. Over time, your desire for bread disappears and you realize that bread and bakery products are not a very necessary food.
After reading this article, a diet that I have wanted to start for a long time. I decided to start by making an appointment with Karatay. You explained it very well, thank you.
Can you give your phone number? we want to order :))
Dear Mrs. Gürcan, please do not use the comments for the purpose of advertising your trade site. The purpose of blogs is to share and exchange information.
Dear Mrs. Necla; I wonder??? I suggest you look at the reverse of the coin :)
Hello, I want the remaining 2 kilos after 10 children to go away from me. I intended on the Dukan diet, but when I went to bed with trembling hands and feet, I found myself in front of the cupboard when fresh breads from the oven flew in front of my eyes ... but the Karatay diet is very suitable for me because I love grass, I love meat, especially olive oil. and I love butter :)) I want to ask, can we only consume this dried fruit for breakfast?
Gurcan Ladies' Farm
I am watching Mr. Karata with admiration. It opened the door to a balanced and healthy diet, just like the production we do today, and brought back our childhood eating habits. Ms. Sinem, you expressed it very well, congratulations :)
I think it's a diet that doesn't have rules as harsh as Dukan and that can be a lifestyle. How strange this diet was, but when you read the details, it makes sense. The biggest ban is bread and bread...
I read the karatay diet book from me.. you have described it very well, thank you.
I also want to lose weight with the Karatay diet. Can I use chicken instead of red meat alone?
After dinner, can we make a snack of walnuts, dried apricots, raisins, walnuts, almonds?
Hello, Ms. Sinem, can reflux patients apply this diet? Hello
Those who do karatay diet should write, I think we want to be motivated and discharged :))
I had done the karatay diet before and lost 1 kilos in 6 month. Now I've started again, it's been 2 days, everything is very logical, I think you can eat whatever you cook at home, you just have to avoid prohibitions such as bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, sugar, pastries, etc. otherwise the lists are tight and can not always be found.
Ms. Sinem, I just gave birth, I am 85 kg, I have a problem with constipation, I am breastfeeding and I am very hungry, I wonder if there is a problem with this diet, if you let me know if flaxseed harms my milk, I would be very grateful.
Hello, Ms. Selin, I recommend that you consult your doctor first, even if you are going to not diet while breastfeeding.
I found your post very descriptive. And I took advantage. I only get stuck when you say butter to butter while reading. Because Teremyağ is the name of a brand and a margarine that claims to taste like butter. Are you using it that way specifically?
Hello, there was a typo there. You will use butter, love…
Hello, I am also thinking of starting this diet, but when I read it, it gave recipes such as ribeye cutlets for dinner. And these aren't cheap either. For example, is the chicken not edible? .
hello sinem h
I found myself in your article..:)) For the last 3 years, I've been going from size 38 one year to size 42 the next. I wanted to try the karatay diet, but I wasn't very keen on the fact that there was no fruit. Your recipes are very creative and applicable.. .can i ask you something .is alcohol forbidden during this weight loss process...since it turns into sugar ..can I have a glass a week for example.. :))
with love
Ms. Sinem, how can we reach your site?
Hello, Ms. Sinem, I read your article breathlessly, I want to start this diet, I always postpone it, but I find the karatay diet very logical, I have never tried dukan but it did not make much sense to me, your articles will continue, people will inspire me too, may God help you
Hello Mrs. Saliha, there will be more to come, don't worry ;) I wish you a lot of health and good weight loss already.
I'm waiting for your new posts...
Thank you for the information you have given, Ms.